V2-Chapter 18: We're al starting to understand

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(In Vale, Ironwood's POV)

I was at a loss for how to respond. With so much unfolding and Ozpin's uncharacteristic inaction-he's never been this passive before-and with Phantom and Qrow out of contact, my fears were escalating. Troubled by these thoughts, I stepped outside in search of clarity, only to be met by Glynda, who appeared to have just arrived.

 Troubled by these thoughts, I stepped outside in search of clarity, only to be met by Glynda, who appeared to have just arrived

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Glynda: "Trouble sleeping?"

Ironwood: "Arm was acting up."

Glynda: "Of course, so logically you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely and decided to gaze menace out into the distance. What's wrong?"

Ironwood: "I trusted him for years. We both have, I just can't help to feel like he's keeping us in the dark."

Glynda: "Don't be ridiculous. You know very well that we are not the one's in the dark."

Ironwood: "That makes it worse. I refuse to believe a man that I trusted for so long would act so... Passively."

Glynda: "You're a good person, James. You have always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable, but it's high time you stop talking about trust and started showing it. Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack, and I think that's something worth remembering.

(With team RWBY, Third-person POV)

The night has been surprisingly smooth so far. Ruby has diligently maintained her watch, while the others settled into their chosen spots near Dylan. Yang positioned herself at his head, Weiss claimed a spot to his right, and Blake nestled on his left. As if the female attention wasn't already ample, Sylvie, having manifested a few hours earlier, made herself comfortable on Dylan's chest, using it as her bed.

 As if the female attention wasn't already ample, Sylvie, having manifested a few hours earlier, made herself comfortable on Dylan's chest, using it as her bed

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Although everyone appeared to be asleep, Yang was still awake, pondering Oobleck's question from earlier in the day. Realizing it was a long shot that anyone else would be awake, she nevertheless decided to take her chance and softly called out to Blake.

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