V2-Chapter 9: Tale as old as time

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(Dylan's POV)

...: "Dylan! Hey, Dylan! Can he really not hear me? Time's running out; she'll find out soon..."

Dylan: "Is someone there?"

Upon hearing her voice again, my eyes snapped open. I surveyed my surroundings, recognizing once more the familiar confines of my dream space. For reasons unknown, I'm perpetually drawn back to this place. It begins with my arrival, followed by a girl's voice calling out to me. Despite my responses, silence was all that ever greeted me. Yet, for the first time in 12 years, the girl's voice answered back.

 Yet, for the first time in 12 years, the girl's voice answered back

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...: "Hey! You can actually hear me?"

Dylan: "Who are you? And where are you?"

...: "Do you always ask so many questions?"

Dylan: "Only when I have to. You've been calling me for the past 12 years now; it's only natural for me to at least ask."

...: "Touché! Well, I'm relieved you finally responded. Took your damn time, you know!"

Dylan: "Wait, what?! I've been calling back for Oum knows how long."

...: "Hmm, that's interesting. Could it be they interfered? No matter, at least I finally get to speak with you!"

Dylan: "Sure, but I don't even know you at all, even though you seem to know my name."

...: "I know much more than just your name, Dylan. I've been around for a very, very long time."

Dylan: "Hold up, what?! How can you even know so much when I've never even seen or spoken to you!?"

...: "Do you believe in destiny?"

Dylan: "I don't really know. I've never thought about it."

...: "What about your semblance? Are you getting familiar with its abilities?"

Dylan: "Yeah, I guess. Wait, why are you asking me this?"

...: "Like I said beforehand, I know everything about you. And to answer your question, that power came from me."

Dylan: "How is that even possible? I mean, we all manifest our own semblances at some point."

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