V2-Chapter 11: Mission set go!!

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(Dylan's POV)

As I hurried through my shower, the awareness of a fairy-like girl waiting in my room made the whole situation feel incredibly awkward. It dawned on me that Sylvie had never mentioned her ability to materialize in such a human-like form or whatever form she truly held. Driven by a mix of curiosity and urgency, I found myself finishing up faster than ever before. I needed to understand what was happening between us, what this unexpected visit meant.

I took a seat on my bed next to Sylvie, bracing myself for whatever explanation she had to offer.

Sylvie: "Good. Then let me help you understand what is going on here."

As I made myself comfortable next to her, ready for her revelations, Sylvie took a deep breath and ventured into the heart of the legend.

Sylvie: "Let's start from the beginning then. Thousands of years ago, Remnant was overseen by two gods who were brothers. The eldest is known as the God of Light, while his younger brother was known as the God of Darkness. But in reality, there was only one God, and when they split, the God of Light assumed the role of the elder sibling, and the God of Darkness mirrored his actions. Despite their shared origin, the brothers often clashed due to their differing natures. Every creation by the God of Light was soon destroyed by his younger brother."

Sylvie: "Despite the hostility his younger brother showed towards him, the God of Light loved him very much nonetheless

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Sylvie: "Despite the hostility his younger brother showed towards him, the God of Light loved him very much nonetheless. But then came a day unlike any other, when the brothers decided to collaborate on a creation as an experiment. This endeavor proved to be a massive success. After all, you are living proof that it worked."

Dylan: "I'm confused, what do you mean I'm proof of it?"

Even though I grasped only bits and pieces of Sylvie's initial explanation, my excitement grew regardless. The revelation that gods once existed sparked a flurry of questions and wonder. Where could they be now?

Sylvie:  "They created humanity and the Faunus, endowed with magical powers and no, I don't mean semblances, but actual magic. The brothers were overwhelmed with joy upon witnessing the endeavors of humans and Faunus. Constructing cities, establishing farms, and protecting themselves against the Grimm, they managed to create a society without once seeking the gods' intervention."

Dylan: "So you're saying that what I have is magic and not a semblance?"

Sylvie: "Exactly. I will get to that in a bit."

Dylan: "Sorry for interrupting you, Sylvie, please continue."

Sylvie, with a smile, continued to delve deeper into the legend, which, astonishingly, seemed to be rooted in reality. Her enthusiasm and the authenticity of her account turned the tale into something far more fascinating and significant.

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