V3-Chapter 28: The plan put in motion

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(Third-person POV)

All Dylan could do now was run; the actions he had taken on the field were beyond anyone's wildest expectations. He continued until he reached his dorm, slamming the door shut and collapsing onto his bed.

Face buried in his pillow, Dylan tried to find solace as Sylvie materialized, hoping to reassure her guardian that, despite everything, it would all be alright by day's end."

Sylvie: "Dylan..."

Dylan: "..."

Sylvie: "It's going to be alri-"

Dylan: "Why did something like that have to happen out there..."

Sylvie: "You protected yourself, that's the most important."

Dylan: "Then why am I getting the blame?"

Sylvie: "That's what I have been trying to figure out, but I haven't made any conclusions yet."

Dylan: "In front of all my friends and family..."

Sylvie: "It's not your fault you saw what happened."

Dylan: "He attacked us..."

Sylvie: "Exactly, but more importantly, did you hear what he said before his assault?"

Dylan rose from his despondent state, his face set in determination yet marked by the unmistakable signs of recent tears.

Dylan: "Guardian, that bastard knows I'm a guardian. How?"

Sylvie: "He's from Cinder's team, right?"

Dylan: "Yeah..."

Sylvie: "How about you stay here, and I go get us some information we could potentially use?"

Dylan: "It's too dangerous on your own."

Sylvie: "You forgetting that I'm extremely clever, master~"

Dylan: "I don't know Sylvie..."

Sylvie: "I promise to be back; don't worry so much."

Dylan tried to hold Sylvie back, but her determination and resolve pierced through his defenses, shining brightly.

Dylan: "If anything happens, you call me from our link and keep in contact from time to time."

Sylvie: "Yes, sir, just leave it all to pretty me."

Sylvie winked at Dylan before departing to conduct her own investigation into the unfolding situation. Once she left, Dylan, who had been anxiously waiting for some privacy, began to vent his pent-up frustration by aimlessly tossing small objects around his room, a frustration that had been mounting ever since his retreat from the battlefield.


...: "Beats me~"

Once again, that voice emerged, clearer than before, catching Dylan off guard. He ceased his actions immediately upon hearing them speak.

 He ceased his actions immediately upon hearing them speak

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