V2-Chapter 14: Dancing is done step by step

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(Third person POV)

As morning cast its light over Vale, the weekend was in full effect, accompanied by the bustling preparations for tomorrow's ball-a task Dylan had agreed to assist with. However, the challenge at hand was the simple act of waking up, a task made notably different this time, as he wasn't alone.

Dylan's eyes fluttered open, squinting against the intrusion of sunlight that filled his room. It was then, amidst the quiet of the morning, that another voice broke the silence, marking the start of a day that promised to be anything but ordinary.

Weiss: "Morning, mister Silva. How long are you thinking off ignoring me?"

 How long are you thinking off ignoring me?"

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Dylan: "Weiss! Morning to you as well."

Weiss: "So... what's your verdict on having a girl next to you?"

Dylan: "It's not much different, I guess."

Weiss: "I told, didn't I. Well no matter, I'm going to my dorm, need to get dressed for today's preparations."

Dylan: "Okay. Be sure to ask for help if needed."

Weiss: "Will do. I'm going now so get ready too, and thanks for tonight, it was nice."

Dylan: "It sure was. Also, Weiss?"

Weiss: "What's up?"

Dylan: "When you're all ready, could you pass by the dorm with everyone? Need to clear things out."

Weiss: "Sure. See ya in a bit then."

Weiss took the initiative to leave and get ready, not just for herself but also by urging the others to do the same. She hinted that Dylan had something important to share with them.

Dylan, too, began his preparations, but not before casting a smile at his weapon, perhaps reminiscing about recent events or the journey that had brought them to this moment. His moment of reflection was brief, however, as it wasn't long before a knock at the door signaled the arrival of his teammates. Their promptness indicated their anticipation and readiness to hear what Dylan had to share.

Dylan welcomed his teammates inside, opening the door to usher them into the room. Once everyone was comfortably inside, they gathered around the bed, each taking sips from the drinks Dylan had thoughtfully provided. Meanwhile, Dylan positioned himself on his bed, holding onto his Leviathan staff.

Dylan: "Thanks for coming, guys, even tho it's pretty early in the morning."

Yang: "Meh. I was already up, so don't beat yourself down, Diddy."

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