V1-Chapter 4: The initiation part 2

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(Ruby's POV)

I was launched into the air alongside others, and when my momentum died down, I started plummeting towards the ground. Reaching for my scythe, I shot at the air a couple of times to slow down my descent. That's when I flew right into a bird. The poor guy probably lost its life because of me. I felt so bad for it, but I had to press on. Not soon after using my scythe, I grabbed a branch and landed safely.

Ruby: "Got to find Yang, got to find Yang, got to find Yang! Yang! Yang! Ah, this is bad. This is terrible. What if I can't find her? What if someone finds her first? There's always Jaune. He's nice and funny, though I don't think he's excellent in a fight. Oh, what about Blake? So mysterious, so calm, plus she likes books. Then again, I'm not sure if I could hold a conversation with her. There's also Dylan. He's nice and calm too, yet I haven't actually asked much about him, but he said we're friends, which should be fine, right?"

While I was contemplating the future teammates I wanted to have, I hadn't noticed I was about to run into nobody else than Weiss Schnee herself. We made eye contact, but Miss Schnee wasn't okay with that and walked off in the other direction.

Ruby: "Wait! Where are you going?! We're supposed to be teammates..."

(Third-person POV)

Weiss navigated through some dense bushes, only to come across Jaune hanging awkwardly from a tree. He managed an awkward laugh and waved at her, but Weiss, uninterested in assisting, turned away to return to Ruby.

Weiss: "By no means does this make us friends!"

As she grabbed Ruby by the hood, dragging her back the other way.

Ruby: "You came back!"

Thrilled that Weiss had decided to return to her side. Meanwhile, Jaune lamented,

Jaune: "Wait?! Who's going to get me down from here?"

His question lingered unanswered until Pyrrha arrived just in time.

Pyrrha: "Jaune? Do you have any spots left on your team?"

Her question, filled with a hint of humor, brought a smile to Jaune's face as well.

Jaune: "Very funny, Pyrrha."

(Ruby's POV)

Ruby: "What's the hurry?!"

Weiss: "I will not let my mission be delayed because you're too slow. I swear, if I get a bad grade because of you."

To prove Weiss wrong, I sped in front of her in a second, to show I wasn't slow in the slightest.

Ruby: "You don't have to worry about me. Just because I don't know how to deal with people doesn't mean I don't know how to deal with monsters. You're about to see a whole different side of me today, Weiss. And after it's all over, you're going to be like, 'Wow, that Ruby girl is really, really cool, and I want to be her friend."

I held Weiss close to me, and with a gesture of my hand, I showed her how different things were going to be for her. Then, using my semblance, I disappeared from her view, leaving her to swat away the rose petals I left behind.

(Third-person POV)

Weiss: "You may be fast, Ruby, but you're still an expert at wasting time!"

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