V3-Chapter 32: Mighty siblings

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In the enveloping darkness, the sound of clashing resounded, punctuated by intermittent flames that illuminated the battlefield. Here, two formidable adversaries faced off: an antagonist responsible for initiating the chaos, and a headmaster fiercely defending his institution, now faltering from within.

 Here, two formidable adversaries faced off: an antagonist responsible for initiating the chaos, and a headmaster fiercely defending his institution, now faltering from within

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(Inside the vault, Cinder's POV)

With the maiden's power finally mine, I felt empowered to confront the fated guardian. However, this confrontation would have to wait. My immediate objective, as instructed by my master, was to eliminate Ozpin.

His prowess was as formidable as my master had described, but his skills did not deter me. He represented just another obstacle in our quest to purify the world. Our battle raged on, our forces evenly matched, until a mutual strike sent us both reeling. I skidded across the floor, my path marked by molten stone. Quickly regaining my composure, I launched an assault of crystal shards towards him.

Ozpin's agility was astonishing; he seemed to barely move, yet effortlessly neutralized my attack. As he advanced, I found myself unable to defend against his rapid thrusts. His cane was relentless, and he concluded his barrage with a forceful thrust that pushed me further back. In retaliation, I gathered my strength, surrounding myself in flames, and unleashed a titanic fire blast. Ozpin countered, summoning a force field, hoping to withstand my fiery onslaught.

 Ozpin countered, summoning a force field, hoping to withstand my fiery onslaught

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(Beacon's courtyard, third-person POV)

Most students gathered in the courtyard once the Grimm and White Fang members appeared to be largely subdued and under control.

Professor Port: "That's it, everybody on board; this is a mandatory evacuation!"

Doctor Oobleck: "A safe zone has been established in Vale; please remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel."

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