V2-Chapter 10: Let's come up with a plan together.

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(Inside the headmaster's office, Ozpin's POV)

Glynda: "Ironwood certainly loves to bring his work wherever he travels

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Glynda: "Ironwood certainly loves to bring his work wherever he travels."

Ozpin: "Well, running an academy in a military makes him a busy man, but yes, those are a bit of an eyesore."

Right on cue, my elevator door opens and, as expected, James Ironwood just entered my office.

Ironwood: "Ozpin!"

Ozpin: "General."

Ironwood: "Please drop the formalities, it has been too long. And Glynda it has certainly been too long since we last met."

Glynda: "Oh, James, I'll be outside."

Ironwood: "Well, she hasn't changed a bit."

Ozpin: "So, what in the world has brought you all the way from Atlas? Headmasters typically don't travel along with their students for the Vytal festival."

As I inquired about the reason for James's visit, I decided to offer the general a cup of coffee, which he gladly accepted.

Ironwood: "Well you know how much I love Vale this time of the year, besides with you hosting the event, I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up

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Ironwood: "Well you know how much I love Vale this time of the year, besides with you hosting the event, I thought it would be a good opportunity to catch up."

Ozpin: "I can certainly appreciate quality time with friends. However, those small fleets outside my window has me somewhat concerned."

Ironwood: "Well, concern is why I brought them here."

Ozpin: "I understand travel between kingdoms has been become increasingly difficult."

Ironwood: "Oz, you and i both know why I brought those men."

Ozpin: "Uhh, where in a time of peace show some power like this. Which is going to give off the wrong impression."

Ironwood: "But if what Crow and Phantom said is true, then..."

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