V1-Extra Chapter 6.5: A day with Weiss Schnee

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(Weiss's POV)

Weiss: "You ready to go, Diddy?"

I was waiting inside Dylan's dorm room for him to finish getting ready to head into Vale. We decided to wear casual clothes for a change. It didn't seem like we were going to run into any trouble, so why shouldn't I let loose for a change?

 It didn't seem like we were going to run into any trouble, so why shouldn't I let loose for a change?

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(Ignore the lab coat and bag)

Dylan: "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go, Weiss."

He smiled at me, which I returned with my own before we left his room and started making our way through the courtyard.

Dylan: "So what's on the agenda today?"

Weiss: "Well, I need to get my weapon checked out, find myself a speed loader, and also work on fixing your sense of fashion. I've been thinking about what kind of clothes would actually suit you."

Dylan: "Okay, again, I told you I don't have a bad fashion sense."

Weiss: "I'm also considering some formal attire that might suit you well. And before you ask, yes, they will include a tie. You can't just keep relying on Blake; she isn't going to do it for you forever, you know."

Dylan: "What?! I've been tying my own ties for the past weeks. What do you mean I can't tie a necktie!?"

Weiss: "What about yesterday? Oh wait, if I remember correctly, it was little old me who fixed it for you."

Dylan: "That wasn't the same tie I wear with my regular school uniform. That 'neck trap' needed to be looped around three times before completing the process!"

I couldn't contain my laughter as we walked past the fountain. He kept asking me to stop laughing, to which I responded by sticking out my tongue and smirking at him.

Weiss: "I've just realized how much things have changed between us. Back then, we acted like complete fools, getting frustrated over the slightest remarks."

Dylan: "Yeah, tell me about it. Whenever we had a chance to bicker, it would go on for minutes."

Weiss: "Exactly. Thinking back on it now, we did have some hilarious quarrels, mind you, were mainly your fault."

Dylan: "Wow, really? The way I remember it, you got annoyed by literally anything. You just wouldn't get off my back, Miss Ice Queen."

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