V2-Chapter 13: A feeling like no other

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(Dylan's POV)

After an evening filled with unexpected and eventful occurrences, the team and I made our way back, the night having deepened during our absence. Upon returning to my dorm, a curious sight caught my attention: my weapon was propped against the wall. This discovery left me in a state of contemplation, wondering about the sequence of events that led to its placement there, a mystery unfolding at the end of a long day.

Dylan: "Didn't I put you in my locker this morning? I would have been sure to take it with me if I actually got it out."

Unable to piece together a plausible explanation for my weapon's unexpected location and feeling too sweaty and fatigued to puzzle it out, I set my belongings down on the floor and made my way to the shower room. The idea was to refresh myself and clear my mind. Not long after, feeling rejuvenated, I emerged from the shower and began to tidy up, putting everything back in its proper place. However, a sense of shock washed over me when I noticed that my staff had somehow moved again, this time finding its way onto my bed.

Dylan: "Huh?! Wait, who came into my room?"

In a state of complete daze, I stood there, perplexed by the inexplicable relocation of my Leviathan staff. Just 15 minutes earlier, it had been leaning against the wall, and now, it was on my bed, a shift for which I had no rational explanation. The day's events had drained me, and the warm shower had only added to my relaxed state, making the peculiar movement of my staff seem even more surreal.

Resigning myself to the day's oddities, I picked up the staff with the intention of returning it to the locker, my mind wandering to the thought of grabbing a snack or two to unwind further. However, before I could take even a step forward, the staff transformed in an instant. And there, standing before me in its place, was Sylvie. The sudden transformation from the inanimate staff to her familiar form left me startled and in awe.

Sylvie: "Wow, since when did you get so touching~"

Saying I was shocked would be an understatement; the concept of a weapon transforming into a human-like spirit was beyond anything I had ever considered. Reacting purely on reflex, I accidentally dropped her flat on the ground. Realizing my mistake almost immediately, I hurried to apologize, feeling both bewildered and guilty for the inadvertent mishap.

Dylan: "I am so sorry about that, Sylvie!"

Sylvie: "Talk about a wake-up call... Next time, how about a gentle touch?"

Dylan: "How!? Did you even do that? I mean, what the hell?!"

Sylvie struggled to contain her laughter, finding the situation amusing. The unexpectedness of my reaction to her transformation appeared to delight her.

Sylvie: "Well, I decided it was time I told you a new thing about us."

Dylan: "Uhh, And that is becoming weapons?"

Sylvie: "No, Not exactly, but you're pretty close."

Dylan: "Okay. So what is it then?"

Sylvie: "Dylan, us nature spirits have 3 forms we can utilize at any moment if needed to be."

Dylan: "So there's more than you just appearing in front of me?"

Sylvie nodded, ready to delve into a detailed explanation. The story she unfolded seemed utterly unrealistic by any standard measure. However, given my unique circumstances my body being the vessel for an additional four souls the implausibility of her tale didn't strike me as it might others.

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