V4-Chapter 39: Fighting our own battles.

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Team JNPR and Ruby, Pyrrha's POV))

A few weeks have passed since we departed from Ruby's home. Along the way, we've encountered our share of difficulties, yet somehow, we've managed to overcome each obstacle. Reflecting on this journey, I'm profoundly grateful for my decision to accompany them. The experiences we've shared have only solidified my appreciation for our bond.

Nora: "Another day, another adventure."

Nora, bubbling with excitement, threw her arms up as she spoke.

Ruby: "What's on the agenda today?"

Jaune, engrossed in studying the map, looked up to address Ruby's inquiry.

Jaune: "Walking."

Nora: "With a slight off?"

Ren: "Walking."

Ruby let her head fall in a gesture of dejection, her thoughts likely dwelling on the reasons for our delayed arrival.

Ruby: "Haven is a lot farther away than I thought..."

Ren, intrigued by Ruby's reaction, felt compelled to ensure she understood the length of the journey still ahead to Mistral.

Ren: "Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take?"

Ruby: "I don't know! I grew up in a small area, and I've never been so far from home

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Ruby: "I don't know! I grew up in a small area, and I've never been so far from home."

Jaune: "Right, but how long?"

Ruby: "Uhh, maybe like 2 weeks?"

Jaune: "What!?"

Upon hearing Ruby's response, Jaune's focus shifted away from the map, fully turning his attention to her.

Ruby: "Okay, fine, 3 or something! Look whatever."

As Jaune and Ruby debated the estimated time remaining to reach Haven, my attention was drawn to a village directly in our path—an unexpected sight, considering Jaune had indicated we wouldn’t encounter any settlements for several more days.

Pyrrha: "Hey Jaune? Didn't you say we wouldn't be crossing another town for a few days?"

Jaune faced me, his expression etched with questions, clearly puzzled by my observation.

Jaune: "I mean, that's what the map shows."

Pyrrha: "Then why is there one straight ahead?"

Gesturing towards the distant structures, I barely finished pointing them out when Nora, overtaken by curiosity, dashed past us and scrambled onto a fence for a clearer view.

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