V3-Chapter 26: Do you believe in destiny?

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(Third-person POV)

Several hours had passed since Penny and Dylan returned from their so-called date, which Dylan had to explain to Weiss and the others. After much discussion, they decided that Dylan should represent them in the finals. With the doubles round behind them, they could only await the finals. The group of friends sat around a café table, pondering what to do for the remainder of the time before the start of the finals. Sadly, Pyrrha wasn't with them, as she had to excuse herself when she was called up to the headmaster's office.

Jaune: "I'm open for suggestions, guys."

Nora: "What about an eating contest!?"

Ruby: "You want me dead?"

Blake: "Yeah, let's not do that."

Yang: "How about a sparring match?"

Ren: "Aren't we an uneven number?"

Alice: "I can join you guys!!"

Dylan: "Out of the question, mom will destroy me before the finals take place."

Alice: "Party pooper..."

Alice slumped down, disheartened by her brother's denial of her request.

Dylan: "Don't give me that look, I'm just making sure I don't get in trouble..."

Ruby: "Why don't we spend some time at the fair games while we still can!?"

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Ruby: "Why don't we spend some time at the fair games while we still can!?"

Weiss: "I don't know, I'm not fully recovered."

Yang: "Like hell you are, I saw you smirk while being carried around by Dylan."

Weiss: "You can't prove that!"

Blake, who sensed the tension between the two ladies, proposed a decent idea to alleviate it.

Blake: "Why don't we just hit up the library and read some books or comic's?"

Ren: "I can work with that request."

Nora: "If Ren is going to go read, then I'll accompany him, obviously."

It appeared that the first group had been formed, centered around reading. However, everyone knew Nora wasn't going to participate in any reading activities.

Alice: "Well, if I can't fight, then I'm going along with Ruby around the fair grounds."

Dylan: "I'm not opposing to that idea, just don't cause any trouble for Ruby."

Alice: "HEY! I can be mature when I need to be!"

Alice pouted at her older brother, who simply chuckled in response to her behavior.

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