V3-Extra Chapter 27: I prefer Coco-milk

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(Good day fellow reader's today I wanted to make another extra chapter which goes back before the events of the tournament but after Vale's invasion. With Penny's part over, I wanted to shine some light on Coco's as well and this chapter is the perfect moment to-do so as I have decided to not write down the episode which shows Cinder recruiting her squad and stealing the fall maiden's powers, so Coco's extra chapter will be written instead. I hope you all have another amazing day/night ahead of you.)

(Third-person POV)

The students ended up getting some free time after the events that transpired in Central Vale, which led to our main squad hanging out, each in their own way. Blake and Dylan decided to stay at Beacon and study for the next test before the tournament, while Yang went on a bike trip for a few days. Ruby wanted to go home and spend some quality time with her father and Zwei, and Weiss went to hang out with Freya and her squad.

Dylan didn't really enjoy studying, but the upcoming test was unfortunately his weaker subject: math. Luckily for him, Blake and Weiss gladly helped him out whenever he didn't understand a formula.

(Time skip)

Dylan closed his book and laid his head against the cover, exhausted. Blake sighed before also closing her book, smiling towards Dylan.

Blake: "If you keep going like this, then the next test might be a passing grade."

Dylan: "Is that a compliment or are you being sarcastic...?"

Blake giggled at his question and put her hand against his shoulder to reassure him that she fully meant what she said

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Blake giggled at his question and put her hand against his shoulder to reassure him that she fully meant what she said.

Blake: "No, that wasn't sarcastic, Dylan."

Dylan: "Mind stopping for today? Because I think I can taste numbers at this point..."

Blake: "I would like that, I also promised Sun and his team to play some board games later."

Dylan: "Sounds cool. I'll probably rest a bit before doing anything else."

Blake: "Okay, sounds like a nice plan."

The two students got up from their seats, excused themselves to each other, and went their separate ways.

Dylan, before heading to his room, decided to stop by the cafeteria to pick up some snacks. Upon returning to the dorm, he was greeted by Sylvie the moment he entered the room.

Dylan: "Yo."

Sylvie: "Sup master, how did it go?"

Dylan: "I don't know, want me to calculate your age?"

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