V2-Chapter 15: A night i won't forget

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(Prior to the dance team RWBY room, Blake's POV)

After hearing Yang's story, a moment of clarity washed over me, and the message became unmistakable. Despite my initial reluctance, the truth was I hadn't been feeling my best lately. Recognizing the need for rest, I resolved not to delay any further and to head straight to bed upon returning. However, as I made my way to my dorm, a sudden realization stopped me in my tracks: I was not alone.

Sylvie: "Oh hello miss Belladonna~"

Blake: "Sylvie, right?"

Sylvie: "Yep, the one and only."

Her carefree demeanor puzzled me, especially considering the need for vigilance and awareness in her situation. It seemed almost paradoxical for someone in her position to exhibit such a relaxed attitude towards her surroundings. Despite my fatigue, which made it tempting to simply disregard the situation, I recognized the rarity of this opportunity for a one-on-one conversation with her.

Blake: "What are you doing in our dorm?"

Sylvie: "Well, my master isn't around. So it's boring and I want to look around more."

Blake: "So you decide out of nowhere to snoop in our dorm?"

Sylvie: "Not completely wrong. But I guess I'm snooping on Weiss"

Blake: "Why would you do such a thing!?"

Sylvie: "Meh, I don't really know. What I do know is that she's with master, and I don't really like that."

Blake: "But Yang said you're both with him."

Sylvie: "I'm like what you call a self-proclaimed person. I love master, but he doesn't seem to fall for me, so i want to try harder so that he accepts my love."

Blake: "Dylan... Shouldn't you be playing fair, then?"

Sylvie: "When you're around as long as me, then you would understand, playing fair only gets you hurt in the love department."

Blake: "That just doesn't make sense, Sylvie."

Sylvie: "Oh yeah? Can you really talk, miss Belladonna?"

Her perspective left me perplexed. To me, playing fair in the dance of relationships is what imbues the journey towards love with joy and authenticity. It's the mutual respect and honesty that lay the foundation for a deep, meaningful connection. However, her assertion seemed to challenge this notion, suggesting that in matters of love, playing by such rules might not always lead to the desired outcome.

Blake: "I'm rather confused about what you're trying to say."

Sylvie: "You loathe Weiss, don't ya~"

Blake: "What?! How could you even say that?!"

Sylvie: "I don't loathe her. Because I'll win in the end~"

Blake: "They're dating, nobody can win anymore..."

The announcement had a profound impact, stirring thoughts and feelings I had tried to push aside. Despite my attempts to move on and perhaps forget him in a romantic sense, those efforts seemed to only deepen my affection.

Sylvie: "Go find Weiss and tell her what you feel."

Blake: "I will once I'm rested. And again, I don't loathe her, she's my friend."

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