V1-Chapter 3: The Initiation part 1

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(Dylan's Pov)

...: "Dylan, Dylan?!"

I awoke in the same dreamworld I always return to: a beautiful yet calming landscape with the occasional soft clouds lingering in the sky, which don't seem to block the sunlight much. Below me, a sea-like floor gives me a view full of sea life and more, just by looking down. But probably the weirdest part of it all is that I don't seem to fall into the water; instead, I can just walk on it. A voice once again called out to me. It has been like this for years: a girl seemingly tries to call me, but whenever I call back, there doesn't seem to be any response from her.

 It has been like this for years: a girl seemingly tries to call me, but whenever I call back, there doesn't seem to be any response from her

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Dylan: "Hello!? Is anyone there? Please, say something back!"

Time passed, the world around me quiet until the voice spoke again, a line I had grown accustomed to over the years.

...: "Nothing yet; we're losing time, Dylan, but I can't do anything if you're not ready..."

Dylan: "No, wait, don't leave me here again, please!"

Suddenly, without warning, I began to black out, and another voice called out to me, but this time it was a boy's voice.

Jaune: "Dylan? Hey, Dylan?"

Jaune: "Dylan!! Get up, dude!"

The voice was so loud it jolted me awake from my dreamworld. The source was Jaune, who looked rather annoyed, saying he'd been trying for 20 minutes to wake me up.

Dylan: "Sheesh, can you be any louder, Jaune?"

Jaune: "Oh, sorry, Snow White, do you want to miss out on the initiation and be sent back home?"

Dylan: "Yeah, you've got a point, and don't call me Snow White!"

Jaune: "Just a figure of speech, nothing more, dude. We still need to change up and get ready, so let's go! Enough wasted time."

Without any complaining, I got up, stretched my body, and then we both made our way towards the male showers. As the shower water cascaded over me, thoughts about the mysterious voice calling my name lingered in my mind. It was unsettling, knowing someone, or something, knew me so personally. Eventually, we wrapped up our morning routine.

Dylan: "Let's go, Jaune. We still have to get our weapons."

Jaune nodded in agreement, and we headed to the locker area. Along the way, we engaged in small talk, mostly Jaune sharing his dreams of heroism, while I reflected on my own dreams, always scenic but uneventful. As we approached the locker area, Ruby and her sister Yang came into view. We exchanged looks and decided to greet them.

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