V1-Chapter 8: Black and White

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(Third-person POV)

The weekend passed by like it was nothing, with Blake still gone much wasn't done, Dylan hasn't been as worried unlike Ruby and Yang, while Weiss still kept her strong persona on. Even tho they all knew deep down, she's pretty worried.

But 2 days passed since then, and they all started getting worried. Dylan kept muttering about not keeping in touch, while Ruby decided they all should go and look for Blake, nobody disagreed with her request except miss Schnee, but her complaining got overruled, and they left the school grounds in search of Blake.

 Dylan kept muttering about not keeping in touch, while Ruby decided they all should go and look for Blake, nobody disagreed with her request except miss Schnee, but her complaining got overruled, and they left the school grounds in search of Blake

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Ruby: "She's been gone all weekend..."

Weiss: "Blake is a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself."

Yang: "Weiss, come on, she's one of our teammates."

Weiss: "Is she? We all heard what she said."

Yang: "Maybe she is, maybe she isn't, either way she's missing, and we need to find her."

Dylan: "Yeah, I'm not going back today until I know where she's staying at."

Weiss: "A member of the White Fang right under our noses!"

Ruby: "I just hope she's okay..."

Dylan put his hand on Ruby's shoulder reassuring the young huntress everything would turn up okay.

Dylan: "Don't worry too much Ruby, she's not alone after all."

Ruby: "Are you sure about that?"

Yang: "Wait, she's not alone? Who's with her?"

Dylan: "Someone I put my faith on, that's all. So like I said, we will find her and when we do, Weiss should apologize because I'm sure Blake will as well."

Weiss: "I don't know if I even should apologize to her..."

Dylan: "Think about it for now."

(Blake POV)

The weekend flew by, and I still didn't feel ready to face them yet, much to my dismay, I also didn't contact Dylan even tho I wanted to. Maybe he's still busy sorting things out with Weiss.

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