V3-Chapter 31: Face your fears head on

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(Dylan's POV)

The three of us pursued the Wyvern Grimm, which, curiously, did not descend but instead headed straight for the headmaster's office. It seemed as though it had been summoned there, but we were determined to intervene. We needed to devise a strategy quickly to capture its attention and alter its course.

Dylan: "Any suggestions yall? I could really use some right about now."

Freya: "Perhaps, with a clear shot, I could target a critical spot on its wing, forcing it to plummet."

Sylvie: "We can't do that while it's passing the students."

Dylan: "So what? Are you suggesting we let it reach its destination and then ambush it?"

Sylvie: "Almost master, it seems to be fixated on the Beacon tower but the top is way too narrow for such a monstrous fight to take place; we wouldn't be able to avoid any strikes."

Freya: "I think I'm understanding your plan, Sylvie."

Sylvie glanced at my older sister and nodded with a smirk. In return, my sister mirrored the gesture; it was as if they had everything planned out already.

 In return, my sister mirrored the gesture; it was as if they had everything planned out already

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Dylan: "Uh, I'm still lost here, you know."

Freya and Sylvie struggled to contain their laughter, managing to compose themselves just in time for Freya to address my confusion.

Freya: "The plan's simple, brother. We continue our rush towards its target, and once the beast lands, we're going up there to knock it off the building as swiftly as we can."

Sylvie: "If we manage to accomplish this, the final task will fall to you, Master. Once it lands, isolated from anyone else, you'll have the chance to unleash your full power. Count on me to support you every step of the way."

The plan seemed straightforward, yet I knew executing it wouldn't be easy not just removing it from the tower, but also defeating it afterwards. However, there was no time to dwell on potential outcomes; we had to attempt it, no matter how hopeless it might appear. The stakes were too high, with too many lives on the line.

Dylan: "Sounds good to me. Let's send it back to its eternal slumber, but this time without a chance of it reawakening."

The two girls smirked and nodded in agreement. I returned the gesture, and together, we quickened our pace, advancing towards the wyvern's selected destination.

(Third-person POV)

Ruby, having boarded the aircraft, was taken aback as the Wyvern Grimm flew past her, emitting a screech while it rapidly closed the distance between Vale and Beacon Tower.

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