V1-Chapter 5: Our school days begin

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(Third-person POV)

As the ceremony concluded, teams RWBY and JNPR made their way to the dorms assigned to them for their time at Beacon. Dylan, now walking among them, was excited for the new school year, except for the studying part. Known for not being the brightest, he often scored minimally on tests.

Jaune: "Can't believe you actually made it. I already feared the worst when he mentioned you hadn't found a teammate."

Jaune said, looking pretty relieved after Dylan got his passing grade.

Pyrrha: "I, in fact, didn't. He holds himself pretty well, so there's nothing to worry about. I do have to say, nice work out there."

Pyrrha smiled at Dylan, sensing he was still in shock from passing.

Dylan: "Guys, stop. It's not such a big deal. Didn't you all see Nora in that fight? She was complete bonkers!"

Dylan tried deflecting the attention with a blush.

Ruby: "WHAT!? Dylan, you're the one who was on fire out there! Wait, does that even make sense if your semblance is water-based?"

Yang: "Don't mind Ruby; she likes to mutter from time to time. It's rather refreshing having a guy on the team. The real question is about the Vytal tournament. Will you even be allowed to participate?"

Ren: "I'm sure the professors will sort things out, but don't get too excited. There's still a chance you won't be allowed to join."

Dylan stopped, looking dejected at the thought of missing the Vytal tournament, to him that's the most important event Remnant had to offer.

Weiss: "Unbelievable, Dylan. You're telling me this tournament is the main reason you're even here?"

Dylan: "No! Of course not. I always wanted to study at Beacon Academy. Normally, next year I would have applied, but I got lucky and was allowed to skip my last year thanks to my performance in last year's junior tournament."

Weiss: "Don't get cocky! I haven't seen you match up against others yet."

Dylan: "Yeah, yeah. Dear Oum, you're just like my older sister."

Nora: "Older sister!? You have an older sister? Does she study at Beacon as well?"

Dylan: "Yeah, she's been studying here for the past 2 years actually. Everyone in my family graduated from Beacon, and she's next in line to do so."

Ruby: "Oh, I hope we have a chance to meet her!"

Dylan: "I'm sure you will, Ruby. She has a tendency to always find me whenever she feels like it, something she likes to do at the worst possible times..."

Jaune: "I had to deal with the same dilemma as well..."

Wich led to shared sighs from the two boys and a small snicker from Yang and Pyrrha.

Dylan: "At least she could participate in the Vytal tournament..."

Blake: "Don't let it get to ya, Dylan. Maybe you will be allowed in the rotation fights, if we end up winning our team battle, that is."

Nora: "TEAM RWBY LOSING?! I refuse to even think about that! After what we saw today, you guys are well on your way."

Dylan rejoined the group, not letting the concern about the tournament dampen his spirits. Instead, he looked forward to seeing how the new school year would unfold, filled with new challenges and adventures.

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