V1-Chapter 6: The Whiteknight Rises

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(Third-person POV)

Some days after the dispute between Weiss and Ruby was resolved, Dylan grew closer to the team. They all discovered that he had some difficulties with studying. So, whenever they had a moment to spare, Blake and Weiss would help him prepare for an upcoming test. Yang preferred to study alongside him, while Ruby alternated between the two approaches. However, at this particular moment, their focus was elsewhere. They were all gathered, watching Jaune's match against Cardin, and it appeared Jaune was on the losing side.

In a burst of determination, Jaune let out a roar of frustration and charged at Cardin, only to be met by a swift side blow from Cardin's mace, sending him tumbling to the ground

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In a burst of determination, Jaune let out a roar of frustration and charged at Cardin, only to be met by a swift side blow from Cardin's mace, sending him tumbling to the ground. Undeterred, Jaune scrambled back to his feet and launched an overhead slash, which Cardin blocked effortlessly with his mace.

Cardin: "This is where you lose."

Jaune: "Over my dead body!"

The clash intensified as Jaune struggled against Cardin's brute strength. A sharp knee to the stomach from Cardin brought Jaune to his knees, gasping for breath and seemingly defeated. Cardin, not yet satisfied and aiming to further humiliate Jaune, raised his mace for a final, crushing blow, only to be halted by the ringing finish signal and Glynda's timely intervention.

 Cardin, not yet satisfied and aiming to further humiliate Jaune, raised his mace for a final, crushing blow, only to be halted by the ringing finish signal and Glynda's timely intervention

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Glynda: "Cardin, that's enough. Students, as you can see, Jaune's aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is unfit for battle, and an official may call the match. Mister Arc, it's been weeks now. Please, try to refer to your scroll during combat. Engaging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is better to adopt a defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowolf, would we?"

Cardin: "Speak for yourself."

Glynda: "Remember everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away. It won't be long until students from other kingdoms start arriving in Vale. So keep practicing. Those who choose to compete in the tournament will represent all of Vale."

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