V3-Chapter 24: Let the doubles round begin.

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(Dylan's POV)

As the next day dawned, anticipation had everyone perched on the edge of their seats. The doubles round was underway, with the qualified teams vying for the coveted first-place position. My excitement mirrored that of the crowd; the commencement of the first match, featuring Coco stepping into the arena, had me thoroughly exhilarated.

Dylan: "Oh man, this is going to be so good!"

Ruby: "I know, right! 2 strong teams against one another."

Yang: "Bet ya 5 lien Coco floors them~"

Ruby: "Bring it sis, I will have to take Emerald side on this one."

Weiss: "It does make it a bit harder to choose who we vote for at this point."

Blake: "I understand, were all friends, so who do we support?"

Dylan: "Just go with your gut feeling, I'm hyping myself up for Coco, that's for sure."

Our debate was unexpectedly cut short by Freya's arrival, accompanied by none other than my little sister, Alice. It appeared my family had made the journey specifically for this event.

Alice: "BIG BROTHER!!"

Alice didn't allow me even a moment to process her arrival before she enveloped me in a tight, enthusiastic hug.

Alice didn't allow me even a moment to process her arrival before she enveloped me in a tight, enthusiastic hug

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Dylan: "Alice?!"

Alice: "I made it! Sis told me your team advanced to the doubles round, meaning I might get the chance to see you fight again."

Dylan: "When did you even arrive and where are mom and dad."

Alice: "Mom and dad are still finishing up somethings, but big sis took me around campus a bit, and now I'm here!"

Dylan: "Okay easy sis, I'm happy you're here too."

I had a hunch that my family would show up sooner or later, given that we've never missed a Vytal tournament before. Somehow, my dad always manages to secure invitations for the entire family, ensuring we get VIP seats for an up-close view of the matches.

Weiss: "Going to ignore us much longer~"

Dylan: "Oh! Right sorry, Alice, this is Weiss. On her left is Blake and that's Yang on her right, but our leader is Ruby, the red hooded girl."

Ruby: "Really... Is that your best way for an introduction?"

Weiss: "You're hopeless sometimes..."

Freya: "Now, now guys, no need to be acting down, it's a big day today."

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