V4-Chapter 36: Journey to the east

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In the aftermath of Beacon's fall, each individual embarked on their own path: Ruby set off towards Mistral, Weiss was tasked with practicing her singing for a charity concert, and Yang remained within the solace of her home, struggling to venture out. Dylan, meanwhile, was engrossed in an intensive training regime. But Blake's whereabouts became a mystery; after Beacon's destruction, she vanished. Sun was the last to witness her, fleeing in apparent fear. Since that moment, no trace of the faunus girl has been found, leaving her fate enveloped in silence.

(Third-person POV)

The day unfolded under an expanse of blue skies, with the endless ocean stretching into the horizon—until a ship emerged into view. Aboard it was none other than Blake Belladonna. Observing her closely, it was evident that she remained on high alert; even the slightest sounds or movements did not escape her keen senses.

...: "Traveling alone?"

Blake's heightened awareness was palpable, her hand nearly reaching for her weapon in an instant response to being asked a simple question.

Blake's heightened awareness was palpable, her hand nearly reaching for her weapon in an instant response to being asked a simple question

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...: "Now, no threat here, just here to chat."

The source of the voice soon revealed itself as the ship's captain, an older man who appeared merely interested in striking up a conversation. Blake, however, showed little to no interest in engaging with him.

Blake: "And why is that?"

Leaning against the boat's railing, the captain regarded Blake with a thoughtful gaze, pondering the reasons behind her solitude.

Captain: "Well, not many people travel by boat on their own; it can be quite a lonely voyage, but I found those that do always have the more interesting stories."

Blake: "Maybe it is just better for some people to be alone..."

The two children, previously the inadvertent cause of Blake's heightened alertness, sparked her 'paranoia' once again as they dashed past the captain, likely engrossed in a game of tag. Their sudden proximity caused Blake to startle, visibly jumping as the kids whizzed by her.

Captain: "Haha, maybe, but with your paranoia, a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt."

Blake: "Who says I'm paranoid!?"

Captain: "Hahaha haha! No one, dear, no one; I'll leave you be."

Blake bristled at being labeled 'paranoid,' even if there was truth to the claim. Her response was a piercing death stare, conveying her displeasure unmistakably. The man received the message loud and clear, concluding that it would be wisest to respect her space and promptly moved away from her side.

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