V3-Chapter 30: Heroes are stronger together

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(Third-person POV)

The Grimm invasion unfolded more rapidly than anticipated. Beowolves, Ursas, and many other species rampaged through the fairground, while Griffins and Nevermores dominated the skies, rendering them perilous.

Blake and Weiss, arriving at the scene, were struck with disbelief as they witnessed the chaos unfold—flames engulfing the surroundings and innocent civilians fleeing for their lives in panic.

Weiss: "I don't believe this..."

Blake had been in contact with Yang, who was occupied with combating Grimm in the school courtyard.

Yang on the scroll: "I'm fine. "Have you seen Ruby or Dylan? They aren't taking their scrolls."

Blake: "No, I haven't, but I tried calling Dylan prior to no avail, and neither is Weiss getting to him, but I'm sure your sister is fine; she's our leader, and we'll capable of taking care of herself."

Yang on the scroll: "Right..."

Weiss: "This can't be happening, Penny..."

Yang on the scroll: "I'm heading to the docks; the White Fang are leading more Grimm to the school."

Blake: "The White Fang is here?!"

Gunfire resonated from Blake's scroll, likely from Yang, who had been engaged in battle throughout this ordeal.

Blake: "Yang!"

Yang on the scroll: "These guys are everywhere! Blake: I'll be okay. Just stay vigilant, you two."

After Yang ended the call, Blake and Weiss were left on their own again. Ruby was still grappling with the shock of Penny's death, and Dylan had disappeared. With his signal turned off, his whereabouts were unknown, leaving Weiss and Blake feeling utterly hopeless in the moment.

 With his signal turned off, his whereabouts were unknown, leaving Weiss and Blake feeling utterly hopeless in the moment

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Weiss: "What can we do, Blake?"

Blake: "We're going to the docks, and we're doing our job."

Blake summoned her weapon from her locker using her scroll, a move that reignited Weiss's resolve. Following Blake's lead, Weiss did the same, both preparing themselves to defend their school with renewed determination.

(Inside the stadium, Ruby's POV)

Left in a state of shock after Penny's tragedy, I found myself unable to do anything but stare at the ground. The one person I could have leaned on had gone to confront the woman who had just spoken on the broadcast. This left me with pressing questions: What do they want, and why are we the ones paying the price for their actions?

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