Chapter 1

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Chester Williams Nimitz (Human Form) can be seen discussing with Douglas MacArthur about the plan.

Chester: "Douglas, what's the plan?"

Douglas: "Alright, so I'll do a island hopping campaign by invading Okinawa and Iwo Jima, while your naval forces will advance into Okinawa to fend off the Japanese fleet. Any objections?"

Chester: "No, Douglas."

Douglas: "Alright buddy, let us proceed on with the plan. And remember, according to our recon squadron, it appears that the IJN Yamato and the entire Japanese fleet is heading to Okinawa."

Chester: "So that means..."

Douglas: "That means that we have to stop them now! Chester! Get your forces to Okinawa! I'll radio in my troops to invade the islands!"

Chester: "Affirmative!"

[Flashback ends.]

Somewhere in the sea, we can see five warships floating on the water surface.

Adm. Kuznetsov: "Oww! My carrier island! Comrade, wake up."

Pyotr Velikiy: "Huh? Where am I?"

Adm. Nakhimov: "We are in the middle of the sea."

Admiral Arleigh Burke approaches Admiral Nimitz and tries to wake him up.

Arleigh Burke: "Hey buddy, wake up."

Nimitz: "AAH!!! Where am I?"

Admiral Nimitz turns around and notices Admiral Arleigh Burke floating infront of him.

Nimitz: "Burke!"

Then, the two of them approach each other and start embracing each other.

Nimitz: "I am so glad that you are back!"

Arleigh Burke: "Yeah, I know buddy, I know."

Adm. Nakhimov: "Look! Our comrade is back!"

And soon, all of them embraced each other.

Pyotr Velikiy: "It's been an honour to see you back in the fleet!"

Arleigh Burke: "Yeah! I know."

All of them separated from the 'hug'.

Meanwhile on USS Nimitz flight deck...

Three American aircrafts can be seen standing on the deck.

F/A-18E: "Sikorsky, what the hell are you doin'?"

Seahawk: "Oh hey buddy, I'll have 2 number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, 2 number 45s, one with cheese and a large soda!"

EA-18G: "Would you cut that out Seahawk? We do not consume human food, we only consume aviation fuel."

Seahawk: "Oh, right. Sorry buddy."

EA-18G: "It's alright buddy! We are 'brothers', just like you and I."

At the hangar...

V-22 Osprey: "So, there is so many F/A-18 Super Hornets. How do we identify them? Name records? Numbers? Do we have any numbers in there?"

Back at the flight deck...

F/A-18C: "Hey buddy, let us have a chat."

F/A-18E: "Alright buddy!"

Back to the fleet...

Then suddenly Admiral Nimitz's built-in radio sparks to life.

???(Radio): "Hello? Please, can anyone hear me? This is [REDACTED] from Azur Lane, our base is under attack! We need immediate support!"

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