A Togruta's Love | 18+

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NOTE: (releasing this today, hope it makes up for once again playing down "Y/N not killing cause the Jedi made him weak and his Orange girlfriend said so and shit,  I don't like it either, not really, but in the next six chapters we get a roller coaster of events, Like maybe fighting more Jedi? Or maybe fighting more sith? Or even fighting criminals! There's an introduction too two new characters, both beloved, both kinda bad? I mean, I haven't decide how one of them will play out, but the other is already chosen,  hint, one is a bounty hunter. Also for the slavery arc, I've taken a turn on things, tried to add some more story which will likely be brought up in book two maybe. I've also took the liberty of saving every chapter up to the slavery arc in case Wattpad decide to fuckin delete me out of existence...)

I can not stress this enough! Mature content his ahead! That means me writing out horrible smut and horny degenerates enjoying it! ("including myself of course" *Wink*) I shall give a warning when it starts, and when it passes, if you are younger than 18 and do not wish to be traumatized for the next few minutes. Also my lawyer has advised me that all characters must be of age... so yeah, they are... for star wars anyway....


Now... onto the chapter...

Third Person POV

Currently walking through the temple was Y/N and Ahsoka, Ahsoka hated the fact she had to basically help carry Y/N around so he didn't bump into anyone, some Jedi were surprised to see Y/N with bandages around his eyes while other merely avoided his sight thinking it was a sith plot or something stupid, in realty, Y/N was left only with his thoughts about how to heal his eyes, he had never healed his own wounds by himself with the force, if it was possible, then he would exploit it, but if it takes time and dedication, then so be it.

Ahsoka on the other hand was embarrassed a little, unlike the time on Mortis when Ahsoka pretty much had to help walk Y/N possibly more than one mile or so, she was now walking him in front of others, although Ahsoka knows Y/N was shamed enough from been carried by her, Ahsoka couldn't help but feel some of that herself, the fact she felt it was her fault for his injuries still and carrying him about, they however would come across Master Plo and Unduli with Barris along side them, They immediately greet the duo as they soon realize what happened to Y/N.

Plo: Ahsoka, Y/N, It's good to see you both are safe...

Barris: (noticing Y/N's eyes) Y/N! Oh goodness, what... what happened?!

Y/N: Hello Jedi, Master's Plo... Barris... and?

Luminara: (speaking up) Master Unduli, Y/N....

Y/N: Right! Sorry, I got the whole problem with "Jedi taking my eyes out" (He gesture to his eyes) You know? Happened yesterday? Other guy got it worse though so no worries...

Barris: You're eyes? You're blind? (angered) Did Roy do this to you?!

Ahsoka: (saddened) He did....Hopefully, it's temporary, Master Nema apparently thinks Y/N could force heal his eyes.

Y/N: How reliable she is is still questionable to me.

Plo: She took care of you for your recovery after your fight with the Zillo beast. Did she not?

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