The Last of their kind

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Third Person POV

While Y/N had gone into the room, All the Jedi masters had calmed down after a close call, IF Y/N had decided to do so he could have killed most of them, he would have likely died trying to defend himself from Anakin, Anakin had to sit down with padawans and Aliiza as the sight of what happened to a young and different Y/N was traumatizing to say the least, Anakin thought he had it bad on tatooine, he was wrong of course, Aliiza had mixed thoughts as well as Barris, they knew Y/N was indeed evil, but now they know its not by choice, Ahsoka just wanted to comfort him, and that's what she was going to do, she got up and looked down to Y/N's room.

Ahsoka: I'm going to talk to him.

Luminara: (disagreeing) I don't think that's the right thing to do considering he almost tired to kill us.

Anakin: Master Unduli is right Ahsoka, who knows what's going on in that head of his...

Barris: (angry) Why did you decide to go through his personal Quarters?!?

The outburst caused everyone to look over to Barris, she was indeed angry and had a look of hate on her face, her master however didn't like her tone.

Luminara: (offended) Excuse me?

Aliiza: (also getting mad) Yeah, Barris is right, why would you go Y/N's things if you knew he'd catch you?!?

Tin: We felt the Sith Holocron's power, or at least, the power of it, we thought it would have been a weapon or something he would use against us.

Koth: So we decided to investigate, Brighton shouldn't be hiding these things from the council.

Anakin: Master's... (he looks to them a little uneasy) I hate to say it, but you went to far doing this, Everyone has a right to their privacy, even Y/N....I kinda wish we didn't just do that right now...

Aliiza: (she stands up) Thank you! At least someone understands that people have comfort zones, Kriff even a sith lord does!

Tin: A sith lord who could turn on us any second!

He said trying to defend their actions like it meant anything to them, Ahsoka was one to see reason.

Ahsoka: With respect... Master Tin, Many of the Jedi view him like he's nothing, mistreating him as the enemy, he been trying his hardest to make a difference, he doesn't want to kill us...

Barris: But the way you and the other Jedi treat him make it worse for him, I mean, go through his stuff?

Aliiza: And tracking his ship, not giving him his stuff back after taking it, making him relive the most violent moments of his life--

Luminara: (fed up) Okay okay, we get it Aliiza, but it doesn't help when he has these types of reactions...

Tin: He acts like a child, we are making sure he doesn't get himself killed, Master Windu wanted to keep him on a short leash.

This had seemed to upset the girls in the room, the Jedi council, or at least Windu were trying to keep a close eye on Y/N, no matter what it took, HK was the one to break the ice as he looked over to the Jedi masters.

HK: Keeping a leash on him will cause him to bite back, he isn't a Jedi, He's sith, and sith must have free will, otherwise they will be no better than A Jedi.

Koth: And what do you know droid?

HK: Statement: I know that my Master could kill half of the Jedi in just one night if given the chance, yet he has chosen to show mercy by not giving in to his sith nature.

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