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Third Person POV.

Y/N was been brought by a Quarrens to where Anakin, Fisto, Padme, and even Jar Jar, He was in a rough state for one hit 28 times by Stun batons, when the droids came into view of the group Padme gasped and the Jedi showed worry as the droids attacked Y/N to a machine that held in place, Fisto tried to get his attention.

Fisto: (urgently) Y/N! Wake up!

He didn't to do so, The Jedi master then noticed his breathing was heavy, and his suit seemed damage with burn marks from where he was shocked. Padme was the closest and tried to see his face which she struggled to do so.

Padme: (worried) Y/N? Are you okay? Please wake up!

Fisto: He's unconscious, his suit suggests he didn't want to down easy...

Anakin: Wait, he was with Ahsoka. Why is he here? (worriedly) Do you think they have the prince?

Fisto: If they did, they would have brought Ahsoka as well, and I doubt she died with the sith present.

Padme: (distressed) How could they be so barbaric? What did he do to deserve such treatment?

Just then, Tamson entered the room, followed by the Quarren senator and a few Guards, they swam up to the group as Tamson laughed at Y/N's condition.

Tamson: Well, so much for killing me, look how well you're doing now, Brighton.

He went up to Y/N, and grabbed the side of his head. He looked into the unconscious sith lord and smirked, he started to dig his sharp claws into his head, causing him to yell in pain and wake him up, Y/N looked panic as he looked about, then felt blood on his head, as well as seeing Tamson in front of him...

Tamson: Finally, I thought you'd never awaken...Time to answer some questions...

Y/N: (through deep breaths) You again, you're lucky my arms aren't free right now, otherwise wise you'd be dead meat.

Tamson: Hmm, And how would you kill me with no lightsabers Brighton?

Y/N: (blatantly) My bare hands you stupid fish.

Tamson growls and proceeds to punch Y/N, in the stomach, causing him to grunting pain, the shock burns don't help him due to the burning sensation, Padme tries to defend him.

Padme: That's enough! He's done nothing wrong!

Nossor Ri: Nothing wrong?!? He killed brutally on the battlefield! Many Quarrens have fallen to him!

Anakin: Perhaps if you didn't side with the separatists, they be alive, as would the rest of your people.

Tamson: (loudly) Enough!!! Now, since you were the last person to be with the prince, tell me, where is he?

Y/N: (thinking) Hmm, I think I know where he is.

Tamson: Tell me, and I'll ensure you're in one piece when I send you to count Dooku...

Y/N: (sarcastically) He's currently trying to find away, to avenged his father, and rally every species on this water world against you, and he's doing a good job too, make me shed a tear for what's going to happen to you.

Tamson growls as Y/N lightly smirked, it wasn't till Tamson pulled out Y/N's blade of it's holster from a droid who was holding it and stabbed him in his left thigh, causing him to yell in pain, the others all were now trying to get free but with no use, Tamson removed the knife from his leg as he tasted the blood off the knife, taunting the young sith lord.

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