The Confrontation

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(didn't hit the new goal but I might as well upload this so I can work on the next few chapters, next chapter will be next month: Also Hint: We get some mandalorian action in a chapter or two....)

Third Person POV

The interceptor was seen flying into view of what looks to be an exit to one of the tunnels on the furthest side from the tunnel which Quinlan and HK were in, Obi wan, Fives and Charger both got out with Obi wan as Ahsoka watched them leave from the ramp, Obi-wan turned to Ahsoka as he spoke.

Obi-wan: Make sure you get Y/N and retreat, I don't want you taking the sith on by yourself, understood? (he says as he walks off the ramp)

Ahsoka: I understand Master Kenobi.

Obi-wan: (turning back around) Good, hopefully this is where he'll end up.

Charger: Should be easy enough...

Obi-wan: You'll go to the second position now, as soon as you got Eyes on Y/N, tell us.

Ahsoka: We will, see you soon.

The ramp started to close as Ahsoka went back onto the ship, the ship began to fly towards the second location, while this happened Ahsoka went up to the cockpit where Rex was speaking with Aliiza.

Rex: So you're a smuggler hired by General L/N, and technically still a criminal?

Aliiza: Yep, kinda dropped the smuggling part for a while now, but if Y/N wants to...

Rex: (sternly) I wouldn't advise following his orders if they go against the Republic...

Aliiza: That's why we do it outside the republic... most times...

Ahsoka: (interrupting) How close are we to the second drop?

Aliiza: A minute or so out, looks like this one is sealed off, you might have to see if you can open it on the outside.

Rex: Could Blow it open with some detonators.

Ahsoka: I don't think we should, it's an old tunnel, who knows how unstable it is.

Rex: Good point, maybe general L/N can open it on his end.

Aliiza: Let's hope so, I'm setting us down, Good luck Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Thanks, make sure you get Master Vos and HK back.

Rex: We will commander, we'll see you soon.

With a nod of approval Ahsoka left the cockpit and went over to the ramp, she was joined by Echo and Longshot, they seemed to be ready to leave, the ramp opened up and the trio left the ship, they went over to what looked to be the last exit, they saw it looked sealed shut and had no way in, Echo tried a control panel but it wasn't powered.

Echo: Blast it, we're not getting in on this side Commander.

Longshot: Son of a... what do we do now?

Ahsoka: I could try opening it with my lightsabers but I don't think we should till we know what's in there...

Echo: Should we try contacting General L/N?

Ahsoka: I'll try, if he doesn't answer then we know he's either fighting or too deep underground.

Longshot: Might be worth a shot...

First Person POV. At the end of the tunnel

I had managed to keep toe to toe with Dyoss's fighting style, but he was wearing me out slowly, he had a lot mot stamina than me, but that didn't mean I was stronger than him, his droids were a lot further behind as we had took the fighting down the whole tunnel, 'Dyoss... how much did your father really teach you? There's no way I'm losing to you...' I began to back up into another room that large crate around, Dyoss spoke.

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