The Assault on the Spire.

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First Person POV

I cursed at our situation, we we're under fire from enemy forces that had aims to crush us here and now,  I had ignited my lightsabers as I began to direct lazer fire back at the bugs that were attacking us. Clones were trying to fire back as well but were getting taken out slowly, I was in front of a walker trying to defend it when Cody came up to me while shooting at the enemy.

Cody: Sir, We've located General Kenobi's gunship, but the enemy are beginning to spread around us.

 Y/N: How far out is he?

Cody: Five klicks out east, I have the squad that you came here with on standby.

Y/N: I take it you want me and the guys to save Your general?

Cody: That would be appreciated sir.

He waved me over to where the squad was, they were all armed with blaster rifles as Cody pointed towards the gunship.

Cody: That's your target men, we need to see if the general survived the crash.

Waxer: Sir yes sir.

Longshot: Wait a second, we're gonna have to run all the way out there right?

Y/N: What's the matter clone? Afraid you'll get blown up?

Longshot: No sir! Never sir!

Y/N: If you fear the tanks, you could always go home, but I think your brother here wouldn't like that.

Blark: No sir!

Y/N: You four will charger the gunship, I'll cover you to the best of my ability.

Cody: Sir, it's now or never...

I look over to the clones who seemed to be ready to go.

Y/N: Let's move!

I start to run in the direction of the gunship as the clones followed behind me, I started to deflect fire but only to protect us as the clones avoided been blast apart, we kept on running till we got up to the gunship, everyone took cover as I deactivated my lightsabers and the clones began to comment on the situation.

Boil: Why do we always get the fun missions?

Waxer: Oh, this isn't the fun part.

Y/N: Clones back up, I got the door.

The clones moved to the side as I force pulled the door off it's hinges, revealing Obi-wan in the middle of many dead clones, he looked roughed up and  only him and another clone were moving, Obi-wan looked up as he spoke.

Obi-wan: Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Boil, Waxer, good to see you two again.

Y/N: You look like shit Kenobi, didn't think you of all people would get shot down.

Obi-wan: Yes, well me and Trapper managed to survive, did you not get shot down?

Y/N: Nah, I'm different, I don't get shot down without permission, troopers, grab them and get them out of there.

Blark: Yes sir.

Blark and longshot went over and picked Trapper and Obi-wan up as I explained what was going on.

Y/N: Bugs have us boxed in, we got a defensive formation up, but how long it'll last is another question I do not know.

Obi-wan: Did any of the other's not make it? (he said been helped up by Blark)

Y/N: No, Anakin requested help, but it seems like we're all on our own right now.

Waxer: We need to move generals, bugs are moving on on our-

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