Pulling a fast one...

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AO3 Account is now up, no idea how to properly tag, so Ill try and start uploading there when I figure it all out, also, I have officially began work on season 5 and have finished the Abeloth chapter, though I still need to redo the chapter I deleted which I have note written down for.

First Person POV

The clones had nicely place all the tech I wanted onto a mobile platform so it would be easier for me to move about, I had informed Krell that my crew were visiting which he didn't really care about, as long as they didn't do anything to endanger the base, I see my ship come into view as many of the clones watch it land, I watched the ramp open to see HK come out and greet me.

HK: Greetings master... Observation: You look terrible.

Y/N: (letting out an unamused laugh) Ha, Good to see you too you bucket of bolts, I just dismantled a Umbaran ship, got parts here that we could use or even replicate, could give the ship advantages we've never seen before.

HK: I see, any possible items for upgrading the ship should be made so.

Y/N: Good, I know you have to get back to the fight so I won't hold you and Aliiza for long.

HK: Of course master. 

Me and HK transport the tech inside the ship, it was awfully quiet for some reason, even the hum of the engine was quiet and the ship had just been flying, I could tell there were supplies here due to the smell of explosives, we parked the platform in the middle of the com room as I looked about.

Y/N: Is uh, Aliiza about?

HK: She is... "busy" at the moment, I can handle this cargo now, you may go Master.

Y/N: Well I need to leave my amour here, got it dirty, besides I don't reckon it will be any use to me right now, I'll clean it later when I can be bothered.

HK: Oh, are you for certain that is needed? We are on a battlefield master.

Y/N: I rather have no armour than look like I've been painted to hide myself in the muck, I'll be fine.

I go over to my room and open the door to it, I go in and lock the door, 'where the hell is Aliiza? And why was it so quiet? Sometimes Aliiza plays music or something to pass the time, but even now is quiet, 'guess she must have taken the war a lot more seriously'. I put my weapons on my bed before looking at myself.

Y/N: Guess I should get out of this before I make a mess of the place....

 I start to remove my amour slowly in order to not get oil or paint on myself, first begging with my helmet which was unmarked, I placed that on the bed, I then began to take of my chest plate as place it on my stand, it's markings and colour were unrecognizable due to the amour been covered in oil and dust, I then took off my gauntlets and place them in a crate, I then removed the amour plantings on my legs so that I would be lighter on my feet. I left my cloak as well, leaving only thing I had  was my under armour, my lightsabers, my blade and my blaster.

Y/N: As much as I love the armour, Better to be faster out here...wonder what the other two are doing...

I went over to my closet and opened it, my mirror showed me having some much on my shirt somehow.

Y/N: Oh for the--can't have shit here, (Sighs) And this one was new too...

I remove my shirt and throw it over to my small bin basket, I looked over my shoulder to see the newly scarred burn marks from been shot twice in, I shake my head at the injury as I go back over to my closet and grab a new shirt, as I finished putting it on I hear a knock at the door.

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