Taking a dive at it.

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Uhhhh.....hate this life.... chose this profession...damn exams! 

Take this chapter while I mentally question my well being, hopefully after the 23rd I can relax, been sleep deprived cause of revision, anyway, enough about my struggles, let's see what's in store for us!

First Person POV

It had been a week or so after the incident on Ryloth, Me, Aliiza, HK were in the training room by the storage and were practicing with different blaster rifles, the clones had been very thoughtful to give us a small armory of weapons to choose from, HK managed to upgrade his rifle so it had multiple attachments and bigger boom,  a longer barrel that is useful for longer distance targets, a mod attachment that allows for his blaster to become a repeater, and a explosive barrel which deals a lot of damage, Aliiza tested out the different clone weapons, but rather stuck with smaller blasters, while I was using a mix of weapons.

Y/N: Well, they sure do know how to create weapons these days don't they?

HK: For a bunch of meat-bags from the same test tubes, you are correct, these designs would surely put the sith empire to shame!

Aliiza: Maybe so, but I think these weapons are too much.

Y/N: You think that because you can't hold them properly.

I say as Aliiza was holding the smallest blaster we had, she folded her arms defensively.

Aliiza: Hey! I can hold a blaster! Just not a large for a long time, I mean, look at the size of that one!

She says this pointing at a sniper rifle.

Y/N: That, is heavy sniper, (I pick it up) this sniper is not meant to be lugged around while your aim down sight, even I would struggle with this one as its meant to be mounted on a solid surface, there are a few however which can be carried around, just seems like we don't have any here other than HK's.

HK: Which I will NOT ... let you borrow, this is my most prized weapon.

He said gripping it firmly, Aliiza rolls her eyes.

Aliiza: (mumbling) Wouldn't want your stupid blaster anyway, seems so.... complicated.

Y/N: It's a droid Aliiza, HK is programmed with many and I mean many different styles of combat, not only that, HK can adapt to his surroundings if needed to.

HK: If only the co-pilot could be as so smart-- oh wait, you cannot.

Aliiza: (a little angry) Why you-- I should scrap you for spare parts! You're just an old droid with an annoying personality.

Y/N: He's trying upset you Aliiza, perhaps you need to take out your anger on the simulation?

Aliiza: Maybe I will just show this walking piece of junk who is the better at target practice!

Before I could get them to stop, our holo link was bleeping, we all went to the com room and  answered the call, it was Yoda and Mace windu again.

Y/N: Ah, if it ain't the famous two Jedi masters, I take it you want us for another mission? 

Yoda: Indeed, A republic system, risked of civil war, it is.

Mace: We need you to assist the Mon cala people to ensure there is no war, as well as to be there to defend against any separatist attack.

Y/N: Dooku has eyes on the fish people?

Aliiza: (lightly face palming) Y/N, that is wrong on so many different levels.

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now