Battle of the sith apprentice and a daring rescue

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First Person POV

I was still looking on at my now destroyed home world, there was nothing left, no amount of rebuilding could repair the planet. 'Korriban is lost' I was shook out my trance by Serra, who seemed concerned.

Serra: Y/N? Are you aright? You've gone a little pale.

Y/N: (Quietly) I need to know why, I need to find out how Korriban fell....

Serra: I know, but right now, we need to shut that station down, If Korriban still has valuable relics down there then we need to-

Y/N: (I cut her off) I doubt there's any left, the likely hood there is something is against the odds.

HK: Master is right, If they were on the planet, they may not be able to be found ever again, due to the amount of heat the core is giving out, I also detected radiation levels too high and hot for any ship to land, its likely due to what the ever happened here.

Y/N: Lets complete our task, and get back to the temple, I have some research to do about the planet.

Serra: I'll take us in.

We start to go towards the outpost, it seems like most of the hanger is not functional, we see a few opened hangers to where the ship landed.

Y/N: Find one without any ships in, might need to be quiet about this.

She lands us in an empty bay, we land and get out, I look about and see there is low power in the sector, HK pulls out and Holomap of the area through his Holo device.

HK: Master, the power is been localized to a lobby a deck under us, it is unwise to take an elevator, there is however a stairwell that leads there, if my map is correct, it must be where they are storing the relics.

Y/N: Lead the way HK, let try and be quiet about this, I want to be in and out as quickly as possible, that means you follow my order here Serra.

Serra: Fine, but don't blame me if you die. 

We all followed HK down a set of stairs, I begun to feel a bunch of powerful sith items nearby, has to be Holocrons of some type, We keep moving further and further into the station till we hear two voices speaking, I slowly take point and find a Large room with large containers about, we hid behind a few as the two spoke. One sounded a little old and the other a little scruffy.

???: Did you have much problem retraining these Artifacts?

Seller: Kind off, half of our crew went insane on the planet's surface a while back and started killing each other, what was left of us grabbed what we could and returned here, they are currently waiting for payment.

???: And you will have it, your group has done a lot for me and deserve compensation for the lost of your crew.

Seller: We would be most grateful, The planet has gotten much more difficult to navigate due to sand storms, and the creatures there are very unsettling.

Serra then pulls me back to where HK was waiting and whispered to me.

Serra: That's count Dooku! we can't let him leave!

Y/N: Who?

Serra: He in charge of the separatists! We need to take him in!

Y/N: You're saying that he is a sith?

Serra: Yes!

Y/N: Then I shall deal with him, HK when I'm distracting them, get as many of the relics back to the ship.

HK: How many crates should I try to bring? 

Y/N: As many as possible, and if you see anyone that is not me or Serra, you have permission to blast it.

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now