Full frontal assault

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Third Person POV

It had been a hour or so since Y/N had collapsed due to exhaustion, Master Kota had called a squad to not only take him to a medical bay, but also to secure the hangers to prevent any more droids from showing up, Aliiza and Serra had gotten the children back to safety, most managing to find their parents or guardians, They had heard Y/N was been transported to the medical bay along with Kota, they managed to get there to see Kota been treated for his injuries, he noticed the pair enter the room they he was in, while there was no sign of Y/N.

Serra: Master Kota, are you okay?

Kota: Huh, I don't know, that sith friend of yours really knew how to fight, Never before have I dealt with such raw power in the darkside, and to be fair, I think he cheated a little...

He said this with a chuckle, Aliiza then spoke up worrying for Y/N.

Aliiza: Uh, this is nice and all, but where's my Boss? 

Kota: (conflicted) Your boss?

Serra: She means Y/N, he's the sith, where is he Master?

Kota: I'm afraid he's going to be detained after he had recovered, He's too dangerous to have running around the station.

Aliiza did not like this one bit, greatly angering her.

Aliiza: Are you kidding me!?! He not only helped saved that group of children we were with but also wiped out most of the droids he found! 

Kota: He's the one responsible for not only injuring half a security team, one I thought to be entirely wiped out, but also giving me these injuries--

Aliiza: That's because you and your thugs attacked him first! HK has a recording of him trying to speak with the team and they attacked them!

Serra: It's true master, why would they do that?

Kota: Don't turn this on me Serra, That boy is too dangerous, I'm sorry, but he's going to be detained till we can we can deal with the left over ships... speaking of which....

He said this as a man behind him, the Captain of the Venator, came into the room and saluted Kota, he then stood tall as Kota spoke.

Kota: How fairs the space battle my friend?

Captain: We suffered heavy casualties trying to knock down that last cruiser, we lost two squadrons of fighters and half our bombers are gone, not only that, but I think our pilots are worn out from the battle.

Kota: And the command ship?

Captain: It's still in the same position it was in when it arrived, but I think they're waiting for more fighters sir, We might not able to withstand another assault at this rate.

Kota: Damn, Is there a way we can call for help?

The captain looks surprised at the General before speaking.

Captain: Sir... I... I may have made the call for help to the Jedi just before the attack happened.

Kota: (Standing up) You what?!

Captain: (flinching a little) If I didn't then this whole station would be overrun by now! Besides we got the help through that guy--

Kota: (Angrily) Oh for crying out loud! You didn't think to tell me before hand?

Serra: Master Kota, Our team helped in taking down a cruiser, if it wasn't for us, surely the station wouldn't be here right now, right? 

Aliiza: Yeah! And the guy who seemed to only want to help is going to be imprisoned! 

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