Plague on the lose.

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First Person POV

It had been a couple of days since our invasion of Geonosis, I had my leg checked out from medics and turns out the metal didn't even hit the bone in my leg, with some gold old bacta to close the wound up I was good new, Unfortunately I had to send  all most of my amour back to Coruscant without me due to the weight holding my leg down so it could heal better, The only pieces I had was my chest-plate and vambraces with the gloves on.  Ahsoka and Barris had managed to rest up as well, we were currently on our way in a shuttle with Master Mundi as I was speaking with him about the sith.

Mundi: So the sith did have limitations when it comes to using the force, you just admitted it

Y/N: Only when they are at their limit, I have yet to find mine, though I do believe I was once to close to finding it, but never again have I used such power.

Ahsoka: I still can't believe some guy can devour a whole planet, it seems so...

Barris: Not believable?

Mundi: I would agree with you Padawan Offee, but sith have been known to destroy planets in the past.

Y/N: Just look at what happened to Korriban, destroyed by my own master, Guess he had the guts to do it in the first place.

Ahsoka: I guess your master was sith down to the core.

Y/N: We all are to a degree, we're just really good at hiding it sometimes...

We then felt the ship land as we arrived at our destination, as the ramp opened up we saw Obi-wan with Luminara and Anakin, there were also two clones with Poggle who had now been captured, we started to leave the ship as the clones took Poggle onto the shuttle, he spoke in his language to us, likely insult us for blowing his factory up, I looked at him as he went past.

Y/N: Oh yeah? And we'll do it again if you come back here, we'll make you watch again as well.

Obi-wan: Was that really necessary Y/N?

Y/N: Yep, the bastard could rot in jail for all I care.

Mundi: (leaving the shuttle) I'm afraid we have a complication.

Y/N: Damn it, what now?

Mundi: I've just received a distress signal from our forces on Dantooine. Master Windu's defenses held, but at a great cost to his men, they need medical supplies immediately. We can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestus.

Anakin: We're delivering Poggle to Coruscant, and Cestus is not exactly on the way.

Luminara: The republic must begin debriefing Poggle right away if we're to get any useful intelligence from him.

Anakin: (going towards the padawans and grabbing their shoulders) Master, I suggest we let our Padawans handle the supply mission.

Ahsoka: Whatever needs to be done, Master, I'm happy to help.

Barris: As am I. 

Obi-wan: Very well, Take a medical frigate, Y/N, you will help with the escort mission, after we've delivered Poggle to Coruscant, we'll rendezvous with you for the voyage to Dantooine.

 The Jedi masters then left to board the shuttle, Before Anakin would leave he turned to me.

Anakin: Don't get into to much trouble now, you hear?

Y/N: Loud and clear, just hope I can get a cold drink, sick of this place.

Anakin laughed a little as he went off, me and the padawans made our way to the frigate with a squad of clones behind us, we would later be in the bridge of the ship as we were speaking through a holo TV to Fisto who was at the medical center.

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