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I'm ill again with the same damn thing I had last month, not sure if I'll do three chapters this month since the next chapter leaves at a cliff hanger, I think? I have gone other these many times, so I no there's little to no spelling mistakes, Just gonna re watch RWBY and maybe replay warframe in the next month.

Third Person POV

It had been almost Nine hours since Y/N had fallen asleep, it was likely started to become lighter now that time had past, Y/N could be seen laying down on his bed with Aliiza on his side, she had by now, not only got closer to him, but had also at one point grabbed him in his sleep and held onto his back, she had her hands around his waist gripping onto his chest, she had a smile on her face as Y/N began to wake up...

First Person POV.

I started to wake up from however long I slept, For once I was glad not to have been interrupted by anyone, that been the Jedi or the night terrors I sometimes still have, I tried to move from where I was to get up and changed but I felt two soft yet tight hand on my chest, I then turned my head to my side to see Aliiza hugging me, her head resting on my scared back which I didn't mind to be honest, it was more of an inconvenience than anything.

Y/N: (quietly) Aliiza, this is nice and all, but I need to get up...

Aliiza: (sleepily) No... not letting go...

I see her smile get brighter on her face, she was either having the best dream of her life or she was toying with me, I decide to try and get up again only for he to tug at me even more, I let out an annoyed sigh as I decided to grab onto her hands and try and pry them off, as I got them off me Aliiza would suddenly let out a giggle and grab onto me, pulling me back into the bed, I let out a  small grunt as she pins me to the bed with both her arms, though she wasn't using that much muscle she did managed to somehow keep me pinned for a moment, she looked me dead in the eyes as I stared at her.

Y/N: (muttering) Clever girl... You must have woke up before me....

Aliiza: Yep... (cheekily) Caught you right where I want you~

She said this with such lust for me that I couldn't help but feel my face temperature rise a little, There was also something else considering rising which wouldn't do my pride any well if she caught on. I decided to turn this back on her by using the force to lift her briefly into the air, she let out a small squeak as I moved over slightly and left her fall face first into the bed, As she turned to face me I quickly grabbed her hands and pinning her on the bed, she started to blush as she spoke.

Aliiza: (Blushing wildly) Oh-h....I uh--- (lightly giggles) I forgot you're still super stronger than me...

Y/N: You really think having the high ground on me is the way to go? (seductively) There's so much more you don't know about me...

I say this as I move closer to Aliiza's face, she was still blushing lightly but had a more seductive look on her face, I leaned into the side of her neck and kissed her from the base of it, then moved slowly upwards lightly pecking her till I came face first with her, She was indeed flustered to much as I could see it in her facial expressions, I gave he a light peck on the lips and whispered into her Lekku.

Y/N: (whispering) Next time you do this, I won't hold back...

I could feel Aliiza's heartbeat start to rise but I wasn't going to continue this any longer, I slowly let go of her as she looked like she was lightly sweating from whatever thoughts I had put in my head, I got up and would start to get my things ready but would be interrupted by my com lighting up, I go over and answer it.

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now