Ghost of Mortis (REMAKE)

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Another I'm remaking, I'll be editing more of the chapters and updating them, but from now it will be towards fixing and maybe changing dialogue since the Mortis arc does have affects on future chapters.... 

First Person POV. 

For the last hour of walking, Ahsoka had been really cheery with me, even though I apparently made her drink a drop of blood which is horrible enough, I made her fight and even die for the Son, it seems been brought back to life does that to a young Togruta girl, as for me? I wasn't the same, I could still feel the Son's influence in my mind,  I did however ask Ahsoka to keep my lightsabers on her belt and not mine in case the Son attacked me again, Obi-wan called me "too cautious" But Anakin actually agreed, I was a nightmare to deal with, and it took most of my soul to crack to out of the Son's grasp....

We'd managed to get back to the ship to find Aliiza using a fusion cutter on the ship's outer hull, she was doing her bet to fix what damaged had been done by Anakin's poor flying skills, Aliiza notice us coming back and would greet us, but we shocked to find out my eyes were still laced with the darkness that left me earlier, she rushed over to me and Ahsoka as she showed her concern.

Aliiza: What the Kriff did the evil god do to you?!

Y/N: Hello Aliiza....don't worry about's just a scratch.

Obi-wan: Your bloodied robes suggest otherwise....

Y/N: Not my fault I can't heal it now....damn prick using glass....

Ahsoka: Hey, at least it wasn't your face....

Y/N: Yeah, I rather not lose my eyes sight, but it still hurts...

Obi-wan: Better get you inside, Ahsoka, Aliiza, see if you can get him sorted, Me and Anakin need to talk.

Y/N: Ah...this about our little situation or?

Anakin: Don't worry too much, you got that so called "scratch" to deal with...

Ahsoka would nod at Aliiza went over to me and grabbed my other arm and did the same with Ahsoka has they helped me move inside the ship, they'd help me lay down in the cargo hold bed as I grunted softly as I placed a hand on my open wound, I couldn't heal it, nor could I feel mush sense in the force, whatever happened to me with the Daughter only gave me my life back, nothing else was done, so my energy remained drained and my bleeding problem would scar over.

Y/N: Damn it....for once I ask the world, "Please, stop giving me scars...."

Ahsoka: (lightly chuckles) Sorry Y/N, world say "no".

Aliiza: Yeah, give me a moment, I'll see what medical stuff we have in the front, oh, (smirks) And get ride of the top half boss, gotta see your abs to fix that blood problem...

Y/N: (rolling my eyes) Yeah, yeah...Don't you girls fuss over it, nothing special.

Aliiza: Aww, are you shy? 

Y/N: Aliiza, Didn't you go all quiet when you saw me that one time on my ship?

Aliiza simply blows air at me and walks into the cockpit, I laid back down with a sigh as I brought my hand over to my bloodied robes and began to undo the latches around the top half, I see Ahsoka watch out the corner of my eye, either out of curiosity, or she was getting ready to make fun of me, after removing every that I could around my arms and chest, I look over to where the glass had stabbed into my gut, it looked like it hadn't disturbed any of my organs, but had it been any further in, I'd be holding my intestines right now. Ahsoka would pull some sort of cloth out would run it under a tap nearby and look over to me as I turned to her.

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