Explosive Chaos

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First Person POV

Me and HK had went down the ramp of our ship and into the open area of the hanger, I turned around to see my ship a burning blaze, the outer hull was a mess, scrapes and scratches as well as a engine half hanging out, fire crews immediately started to come out and start dousing the flames out, I couldn't help but Look at Aliiza as she was breathing softly, I kept a hand near her wound trying to heal it without removing the metal, the moment was quiet for me as I was left with my thoughts, it wasn't until a group of troops came up to us with their blasters raised causing HK to aim at them.

Soldier: Stand down now! 

HK: Negative, you meatbags will suffer dearly for threatening my Master.

Soldier: We will open fire!

I turned from the ship to face them as I held Aliiza, some saw that I had her in my hands so they lowered their weapons, the one soldier still remained with his blaster aimed at me.

Y/N: My friend here needs medical attention, can you help her?

Soldier: Not until your droid shuts down and you surrender yourself! 

Y/N: My friend doesn't have time! She need medical treatment! 

Soldier: Then screw her! Men get ready to fire!

Some soldiers didn't aim looking at the officer in charge, some did however take aim, causing me to back up a little, 'Not like I'd have anywhere to run to...' I could feel the soldier's breathing was getting faster as he was about to pull the trigger but a shout rang out.

???: Lower your damn weapons, NOW!!!

Again, most of the group apart from the first trooper lowered their blasters and turned to the voice with me, it was the Captain from earlier, he had a few men and women run over with medical supplies and a transportable hover bed, he came over as I lowered Aliiza slowly onto the floor as they came over to help, they nodded at me indicating they'd save her, they applied something to her before taking her off somewhere, there was still the soldier with the blaster rifle aimed at me.

Captain: Soldier! I said stand down!

Soldier: We can't let him stay Captain! He's killed innocent men and women!

Captain: Whatever you saw was a lie trooper, this Man just saved thousands of lives, he protected the remaining children in training leave to the planet, you really want to kill a hero?

Y/N: I'm not a threat to any of you, I just need help...

The soldier still had is finger on the trigger, however before he could fire a soldier from behind him stunned him with their own blaster, causing him to drop to the floor, I let out a sigh in relief as I ordered HK to stand down.

Y/N: HK, it's over now...

HK: (lowering his blaster) Understood, no meatbags for me today...

Captain: (coming up to me) Sorry about the misfire, Again, I haven't told everyone your one of us, but I saw you defending the transports, thank you for helping us.

Y/N: (Sighs) Came at a hefty cost, my ship is messed up to hell, not only that my Copilot is injured, she was the one flying, and the girl that convinced me to help you.

Captain: I heard, I'm sorry this happened, but it seems your not going to be going any time soon... right?

He said gesturing to my ship which was still smoking from some areas, I sigh and turn to him.

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