Showing Who's Boss

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First Person POV.

After what felt like an eternity, the elevator I was in stopped at the level I wanted to be at,   I exited the elevator and walked into a corridor which was heavily damaged, there was destruction everywhere I looked, there were dead men, women, and even a child or two, 'Why target civilians? I know I targeted them on occasions, but children?  Is this meant to be a fear tactic from the droids? But why so many?' My thoughts would be interrupted by a bunch of B1 battle droids appearing down the hall, they turned to me and aimed as a yellow painted one spoke.

B1 Commander: Halt! Identify yourself!

Y/N: Who's asking?

OOM 239: I am OOM 239, are you part of the initial slaughter team?

Y/N: (surprised) Slaughter team? The hell is that?

OOM 239: It's the unit sent here to slaughter the occupants of this deck and the deck above us, Wait a minute.... you're not part of the Slaughter team!

Y/N: No, but I am going to be part of the slaughter of Battle droids remaining on this deck....

I say this as I force pull my lightsabers to my hands, I activated them as the droid flinched.

OOM 239:  Uh oh...

I started to advance with my lightsaber up in a form VI attack style,  they started to fire at me but I had already closed the gap between them and the hallway of bodies, they didn't stand a chance as I swiped about a few of them with my right lightsaber while force pushing a few into the wall, another two tried to blast me but I deflected the shots back at them, the last remaining few looked to their poor commander who didn't know what to do.

OOM 239: Uh.... This isn't good.

B1: Now you say that?!

OOM 239: We need to retreat!

B1: Roger Roger!

They remaining three droids tried to turn to run, but I simply held them in place with the force, I decided to crush the two normal droids and threw them to the side, I then came over to face the commander as I held my lightsaber next to it's head, it seemed worried, weird...

Y/N: OOM 239 was it? I need to ask a question.

OOM 239: I-I don't answer to you--

I cut it off by slicing it's right arm off with it's blaster, causing it to make scared droid noises.

Y/N: I could take you apart now, or I can leave you for the locals, wanna take your chance?

OOM 239: No?

Y/N: Good, then tell me, why did the slaughter team kill all these civilians? 

OOM 239: I don't know! The tactical droid on board the Command ship ordered for it to be sent here!

Y/N: Tactical droid? Heard about them, any other potential leaders leading this conflict?

OOM 239: No...

Y/N: Good, thanks for telling me this.

OOM 239: ...Are you going to let me go?

Y/N: ...

OOM 239.....

Y/N: Hmmmmm...

OOM 239: We--

I cut it off by slicing it's head off, the last thing I needed it was telling command that I was here, it's head fell to the ground and so did it's body as I released it, I stepped over it  while holding my lightsabers still activated and began down the hallway, there was less signs of death as I went on, but after travelling for a bit I came across two Super battle droids and some type of B1 droid trying to cut their way into  a closed door in the middle of the hallway, the Super battle droids turned to me as I hear the B1 speak.

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