Citadel rescue

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First Person POV

Didn't think I'd be stranded on a separatist prison world with the most annoying bunch of people, you have Sky-rat who thinks its funny still to send someone to be frozen yet again after been in it for thousands of years, you got clone troopers who keep dying and that I have to rescue, I mean, they would of been a lot less of us had it not been for me staying with Kenobi's group, and then there the captain, wish I could knock his teeth out with the things he says behind peoples backs. we were moving past some volcanic lave streams, Rex was ahead. he give us the all clear to continue. 

Rex: We all clear here general Skywalker.

Anakin: Good, it looks like we have to fight our way off this rock.

Obi wan: Contact the council, see when they plan to rescue us.

Y/N: That's "If " they'll rescue us.

Piell: You worry too much Sith,  Have a little faith.

Y/N: My faith is none existent right now Jedi.

I say as R2 comes up to us, R2 stopped and displayed a live visual of Mace Windu.

Mace: Master Piell, its good to see you alive, old friend.

Piell: Like wise, Our escape route has been compromised, we need a way of world.

Anakin: When can we expect your arrival?

Mace: Master Plo is already en route.

Yoda then appeared behind Mace to join the talk.

Yoda: Gunships will arrive to evacuate you and your men, but do not delay, only a small window of opportunity, shall we have.

Y/N: Then I guess we need to make sure this window is open when they get here.

Yoda: Indeed, Your rendezvous point, a small island west of your location.

Piell: Understood.

Mace: May the force be with you.

The call then ends, I turn to the older Jedi masters.

Y/N: So there is a small chance we have of leaving this place, Alive that is? And not in coffins?

Piell: (mocking) What's wrong sith? I thought you'd love the weather here? 

Y/N: I would if I was killing people and not droids, this type of missions bore me, I mean, half your men almost died in ridiculous ways, blowing themselves up, getting cut in half, even been shocked to death, although it would me much quicker than many of the deaths I have seen before hand.

I say frowning at them, it was a complete joke that I of all people had to save those men from death and not the Jedi, Obi-wan however was grateful. 

Obi wan: And I'm grateful our men are alive because of your actions today Y/N.

Tarkin then comes up behind us and started to speak.

Tarkin: I have heard of your heroics today, the chancellor would be pleased with your efforts.

'Oh... so he's trying to the lap dog game now are we? Wonder how I can play this fool'.

Y/N: I highly doubt the chancellor cares about the soldiers in battle, only if they get results, that is probably the same with you captains and admirals, all about the fame, glory of pleasing the man above you, I have only met one Commander in my time who seems to care more about his loses than the actual battle, even if he was suborn.

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