Clones and drinks.

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First Person POV

I groggily got up once again after a decent few hours of sleep, it had only been a few hours I got which caused me to groan in frustration, I fell back into my bed and tried to get more sleep, my mind however was done sleeping as it decided to keep my await, I let out another annoyed groan as I got up and decided to get ready, after showering and changing I decided to leave the ship, I was going to go for a nice cold walk but I found a few clones messing about in black uniform, I managed to recognize Fives, Echo and Charger who were getting ready to leave, they noticed me as Charger pointed me out.

Charger: (loudly) Hey general! Come over here!

Y/N: (quietly) Well this might be fun...

I go over to the three men as they seemed to be quite cheery for a group of clones which I felt strange about, especially since we were in a hanger, and by the sounds of it, they were apparently looking for me of all people.

Y/N: Fives, Echo and charger, surprised to see you men here at such a late time.

Echo: Yeah. sorry if we were disturbing you sir.

Fives: Now hang on, hang on, this is the best time to ask him.

Charger: (groaning) You're not serious are you, fives?

Fives: I am, (To me) Hey General, want to come with us to the 79's with us? 

Y/N: Ah, the Bar I was told about? You want me to drink with you?

Charger: I mean, only if you want to sir.

Echo: Yeah, we uh, don't want to get in trouble for causing you to get drunk or anything sir.

Y/N: Pfft, nah, if anything I'd have the time of my life, I have drank on a few occasions however.

Fives: Like? 

Y/N: Coaxium Ambrostine is a nice drink, thought too much kills you apparently, learned that from a smuggler, though I always prefer some good Merenzane Gold.

Echo: (To charger) See, the general does have taste!

Fives: What do you say then sir? We get a cab and head down to 79's?

Y/N: (muttering) Ah, to hell with it, (To the clones) Sure, don't except to me to get flat out drunk though.

Echo: That's the spirit general, at least you're not like general Skywalker.

Y/N: Let me guess, he's no fun?

Fives: Doesn't like to drink much if anything whatsoever, then again, maybe it's because he's a Jedi. 

Y/N: Hmm, good thought there Fives...

Charger: Guess we can get a cab then, we can meet up with Blark and Longshot too.

Y/N: Sounds good to me.

We would all make our way from the temple hanger down into the lower levels, as we were walking our small group would get lot's of looks, some flirtation from women of all species, some from families who seemed to not want to get in our way, a few seemed scared from my appearance, rather much the eyes that did it, I didn't care though. I was here to drink, not be bothered by the Jedi or my irregular sleep patterns, we eventually saw a cab dropping off a few women, Fives ran over and called out to it.

Fives: Hey! Taxi! 

Fives goes over to the Taxi as I see the guy, a Rodian look a little amused at our group.

Rodian: Hello clones... (Looking at me) Uh... stranger... where can I take you?

Fives: 79's, (to us) Get in guys, we got some drinking to do!

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