Unforeseen consequences.

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Third Person POV

A gunship carrying Aliiza, Longshot, Y/N and a two clones medics were rushing into the venator's hanger which was stationed over Mon cala, inside the gunship Aliiza was panicking about Y/N's condition, he was in an unstable coma and kept having small but noticeable seizures when onboard, the clone medics didn't know how to stop them, Longshot was trying to calm Aliiza down.

Longshot: Aliiza, you need to remain calm--

Aliiza: (loudly) How can I when my boss is on the brink of death?!?

Longshot: I know it looks bad, but panicking like this won't save him.

Longshot was keep calm despite the circumstances, Aliiza tried to calm down again, taking slow breaths, just then a medic clone got a pulse and told the group.

Medic 1: We have a pulse sir! He's alive!

Longshot: What's his status?

Medic 2: He got small burns throughout his body, they'll heal fine with some bacta applied.

Medic 1: His stab wound will need extra care if he doesn't want to lose all nerves in his leg.

Aliiza: But will he recover?

Medic 1: Maybe, but we should take him into extensive care to make sure.of a full recovery.

Aliiza: Then make it so, I just hope HK doesn't mind.

The gunship had finally arrived in the hanger, once it landed the door opened wide and the medics placed Y/N on a mobile bed, they then rushed him towards the medical bay as Aliiza saw HK come from the ship, blaster armed in hand.

HK: What have the pathetic Meatbags done to my master?!?

Aliiza: HK, ease up, Y/N was hurt bad, he need's to be treated now!

HK: How did master get into this mess?

Longshot: Look droid, we need our men to work on getting him the best treatment, now step aside.

Aliiza: Please HK?

HK looks to Aliiza, processing its next move, it decides to stand down and place it rifle on its back, allowing longshot and Aliiza to stop worrying.

HK: I shall for now step a side, but if master says otherwise or dies, he shall be the least of your worries.

Aliiza: Thanks HK, can you go back to the ship?

HK: As you wish, will you be long?

Aliiza: I'll stay with Y/N and longshot for a bit, then I'll come back.

HK: Understood.

HK then goes off back to the ship, longshot and Aliiza take this time to catch up to where Y/N was, he was currently been treated in a medical room by the two clones medics and A republic medical droid, they had to removed most of his gear leaving him bare chested and just in his under clothing, Aliiza now could see more scars that were on his legs, even the medics were worried.

Medic 2: How in the world can a Teenager take this much?

Medic 1: Some of these are really old, years even, he doesn't even look like he's an adult yet.

Medic 2: This is tragic alright, I wonder how he got all of them?

Longshot: Medics, Focus, how long will General L/N be out for?

Medic 1: A rough estimate? Between 12 and 24 hours, that's if he wakes... if not.... then he might not wake at all...

Aliiza: I thought he was--

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