The estrange Jedi.

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I know I'm two days early, Just wanted to say that the chapters I once lost has been recreated, though we did lose an arc that I made into one full chapter, I will try to make up for it later on in the series when they join the crew, But the chapters are updated and created, as well as some other thing I want to go over...


The character was requested very early into the story and I agreed to write her in for an arc, However, a big problem is I have only seen a few videos detailing what she does and how she was imprisoned, but since I never ready on of the fate of th...

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The character was requested very early into the story and I agreed to write her in for an arc, However, a big problem is I have only seen a few videos detailing what she does and how she was imprisoned, but since I never ready on of the fate of the Jedi books, I have relied on videos, theories and some shorts on YouTube talking about her and Luke, I don't know how she acts...kinda....

I know she's a God, that is clear to me, she was once a normal human who worked for the gods and was loved by the son and daughter, she also bathed in the pool of knowledge and became Abeloth, but other than that, that's all I know, obviously I know how her story was never finished so that would be done in this story. There are a few things I'm gonna change though to make it work.

First thing, she was not trapped in the Maw, I'm going to make it that she was trapped on Mortis, but after Mortis collapsed, her physically body was destroyed, however! Like how Mother Talzin morphs her body into thin air is the same way Abeloth will work, I won't go into much about how she returns, only that chapters before hand she's mentioned or playing a part without little to no evidence.

Secondly, Although she is powerful and stronger than Y/N. because let's be honest, I think we would rival A legends Luke and that's it, of course not here to debate who is stronger, but Abeloth is stronger through the force, but again, I'm changing things to suit the time line, just like I'm changing her own character.

I don't know her character, I know she loves chaos, has free roam of the galaxy (I think) And has no goal other than killing and hurting people for fun, not sith but worst basically, Again, I can't spoil what I have in mind for her, but all I can say is she takes a deep interest in Y/N. Also, if anyone has ready the series. can someone advise if she can mind control? I know she can take different forms of people, I think she did it with Mara Jade right? Again, I only know half the story.

Anyone who can advise or knows more, I'd be welcome to the info, Also, for the other image, first three are the chapters for her arc, last one I black out for the location of the final of the arc, Also don't mind the others chapters, Note is used for helping me, Perfect game is a Flashback Chapter waiting for the perfect time to upload, other two tiles reveal what they are. I already cropped the top and was too lazy for most of the bottom, And yes, this story will go straight up to revenge of the sith, so there's that...

(Also, gonna star uploading memes for each chapter, either about the chapter or relevance to it.)

First Person POV

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