Vacation time

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Third Person POV

It had been four days since Y/N's night with Ahsoka, they had kept it secret what had happened for obvious reasons, though Aliiza did let out a few hints at it happening, in which Y/N managed to tell Aliiza to 'shut up and heal', Something he too was trying to do. He had seen Rig Nema about he proposed plans, but was still learning herself what Y/N needed to do, although this wasn't the case, Rig was purposely holding off on telling Y/N what to do, not for her own reasons, but the Council's, they were currently speaking about what to do with Y/N's situation.

Mace: I for once, believe this is the best cause of action, by not allowing Brighton to heal his eyes, we can keep a hold of him, without his eyesight, he holds not even a small fraction of his power.

Depa: Indeed, but is keeping this secret from him the best cause of action Master Windu? 

Fisto: I for one agree, I have seen his power first hand, left unchecked, he could bring about the end of the order.

Obi-wan: (speaking up, annoyed) Are we forgetting what Y/N has been doing for the last ten months? The countless battles he's turned in our favor should not be forgotten.

Adi: Master Kenobi is correct, Y/N has served us faithfully with little to no question on the war effort, not to mention he's trying to discover the identity of the sith lord.   

Mundi: Just because he's willing to help find them, doesn't mean he won't kill them.

Mace: There is that too, he might end up either joining the sith or even leading them to our own destruction, we cannot allow this to happen.

Obi-wan: But we can't simple leave him in such a state, his connection to the force will not remain broken for long, as soon as he fixes it, he's going to want to be on the front lines again.

Plo: There's also the fact he hasn't shown any signs of wanting to betray us, if he did, he would have done it when we accused him of killing Krell for his own gain.

Mundi: Didn't Master Vos suggest he almost killed him back on Tatooine?

Fisto: Not only that, but he mentioned that the girl, "Aliiza Tunit", might also have a closer relationship to Y/N than we originally thought...

Obi-wan: How has that got anything to do with us withholding information from him?

Obi-wan looked at Fisto trying not to get annoyed The Jedi Master was implying something else, it made no sense for them to go after Aliiza for such a small thing if true. 

Depa: If he holds a romantically attachment to his Copilot, who knows what would happen if the girl was hurt or even killed in any situation.

Mace: Precisely why we must ensure Y/N remains under our eyes, the minute he's left unsupervised he may attack us, we must use caution...

The room would be filled with silence as everyone looked at one another, some were agreeing with having Y/N on a leash while others weren't so certain, the main Jedi who hadn't spoken a word since the meeting had begun was still thinking with their eyes closed, they didn't know what to think of him having a attachment, not that they really minded, but the possibility of Y/N finding out that the Jedi we're not giving him what they want... was concerning to him....

Master Yoda opened his eyes and was brought out of his thoughts as Windu turned to speak to him.

Mace: Master Yoda, what are your thoughts on this?

Yoda: (thinking again) Hmm, Not know what could happen, if we take advantage of his friendship.

Mace: Master Yoda, I wouldn't even say this deal we have is a "Friendship".  Brighton's a liability at this point, we could even lock him up in the Prism if we decided.

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