The outpost.

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First Person POV

 I woke up to the sound of my com link going off, I must of slept for a full day because it was the same time as yesterday, I answered it and heard a female voice.

???: Hey Y/N? is this you your frequency? I asked around a bunch and finally got it, wanted to see if you wanted to hang out.

Y/N: Who is this? And hang out? How did you get this frequency? 

Serra: Y/N its me Serra? Remember for the tomb and rescuing you? Come on, I'm not that forgettable am I?

Y/N: No, I just simply know to many Jedi names, (a little dumb founded) sorry you wanted to hang out? For what reason?

Serra: Thought you could do with a friend, considering many other padawans are scarred of you I though you would enjoy some time with someone.

Y/N: Fine, give me an hour and I'll leave my ship, any where you wanna meet?

Serra: By the meditation chambers, no one is there at this time, see ya soon!

She then ends the call, I Lazily get up and get a quick shower, after that I go and see HK 15 trying to modify It's weapon.

HK: Good morning master, You seem well rested after yesterdays adventure, please ensure you come back safe and sound, It gets boring around here.

Y/N: I'll try and fit you in with my next mission I'm on, That okay? 

HK: I would be most Glad.

Y/N: Sadly, you may not get to kill living things, just other droids.

HK: It will make due, do you have somewhere to be?

Y/N: Someone want's to speak with me, I'll be back later, don't do anything drastic now.

HK: Me? Never master.

I then leave the ship and make my way towards the meditation chambers, I find them and knock on the door and enter, I see Serra is already Mediating and see me enter.

Serra: (excitedly) Y/N! So good to see you, how have you been? Gone on any exciting missions yet?

Y/N: well I got shot on my last one, that was painful, the other one I went and got eaten by a Zillo beast.

Serra: I head, hope you didn't lose anything important now, did you?

Y/N: Just my cloak, but got a new one I had stored, although its a bigger size than my last, I'm sure I will grow into it.

Serra: (Smirking) Lucky, I stopped growing a few years ago, but I'm still tall.

Y/N: Size does not matter, its a matter of perspective really.

Serra: You sound like master Yoda...

Y/N: (not amused) Right... why did you want me here?

Serra: To practice mediation? Duh

 Y/N: Oh... Sith don't really mediate with other people nearby...

Serra: (annoyed) What? come on, how bad can it be?

Y/N: A sith mediates to release anger and stress, although it be good for me, it may not be good for you, I never found it to be a soothing as others. 

Serra: Maybe if I helped you mediate, you would find somewhere peaceful?

Y/N: Do you really want to be scarred? Besides, I don't have the fondest of memories from my past life.

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