The Siblings.

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Well here I am again uploading a few days early, the last week and a half hasn't been so pleasant to me, came down with a horrible cough, sickness, headaches including my body just feeling shit in general, I haven't done much writing I physically can't keep up, I am reading your comments and trying to get back to everyone best I can.

First Person POV.

I was currently looking at someone I had no clue who they were, 'Or who they think they are...' They had me and the Jedi at blaster point, however the Jedi next to me were currently in dream land and had no way of helping me, leaving me alone with these mandalorians to deal with, the woman I think had just made a threat towards me, something I'm not going to take lightly, I had my right hand ready to go for my blaster just in case, I spoke up trying to scare her.

Y/N: (coldly) If you even think about harming me, the Jedi I'm with, or even think about taking over my ship, I will boil you all to ash.  

The woman stood with an unfazed look as she simply just rolled her eyes at my comment. She not only kept her unfazed look, but also spoke like she had all the advantages here.

Ursa: Don't make me laugh Brighton,  Not only are you all outnumbered and outmatched, but the fact that you're willing to take us all on is admirable.

Y/N: I could kill you all, I don't need a lightsaber to get through you, but for some reason you didn't shoot me down earlier, either you were dumb enough to let me land here to try and kill me, want something from me...

Ursa: I'll forget you mentioned the "dumb" part for your friends sake, coming here with the Jedi isn't smart considering half my people work under deathwatch, you'd be wise not to upset us.

Y/N: I couldn't give two damns about who works for who, attacking my group is not a smart move.

Ursa: Yet, coming to Mandalore and here of all places is? Do you know how many people wish to meet you?

Y/N: Many that want me dead?

Ursa: Oh, don't mistaken our wishes, many heard of your return throughout the clans, though some do wish to kill you, others like mine wish to know how oldest son of the Mortifull Clan is faring...

Ursa went over to a small throne like chair and sat down, she raised her right leg over her left as she relaxed back into the stone like chair as she spoke again.

Ursa: Last I heard, The Sith lord known as Darth Brighton worked for the Republic and the Jedi order...Seems like a desperate act to me...

Y/N: It's called a "tactical" decision, considering I had no empire or clan to go back to.

Ursa: Is that so? You didn't think the people of Mandalore would not be so kind and take you back into the fold?

Y/N: Well for starters, the Jedi saved me from been a wall decoration, secondly, the sith that are still around are a danger to me and my those I care for, so I need to deal with them before I can plan anything.

Ursa: (surprised) Oh? So you have considered doing something else than serving Jedi?

Y/N: What's it to you? I have no quarrel with your clan unless you're behind whatever is going on here...

Ursa: And what do you possibly mean by that?

Y/N: I mean that you have some involvement with the senator of Ryloth, he's been a pain in the ass for me and I'm looking for evidence on this very planet that criminalizes him.

Ursa: Is that what all this mess is about? A giant slob of a Senator having some dirt here?

Y/N: It was said a transmission was sent to a certain place on this planet,  we're looking for where it went and who received it.

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