Short lived trip

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(oops, only four chapters left, I'll update every four days from now)

Third Person POV.

It had been an good hour since the Interceptor had left Coruscant, it was currently traveling at light speed to the planet Naboo, it had been a while since Ahsoka and Y/N went the last time they had gone, but this time however, they were with Aliiza, not only that, the place they were going to was far out from the City of Theed, it wasn't even half the size of Theed, but was used a get away for many beings in the Galaxy, Aliiza had a good friend there who was the daughter of the owner who would happily accept credits for the trio to have their ship in a hanger and give them a room or two, it was all of course coming out of Y/N's pockets, but let's be real here, he's more rich than Aliiza and Ahsoka since the senate actually give him money for serving the republic.

Y/N was currently getting a cold shower right about now, he had cold water rain on his back for the last ten minutes instead of actual showering, when he had confronted Yoda, he didn't think he'd get so aggressive with him, he was mentally hurting himself for been such a prick to him, better yet, been an asshole overall, he was frowning with the very thought of going rogue, he knew he'd lose that fight, he just didn't know what to do.

His thoughts were interrupted as the cold water stopped flowing, he looked up and tried to reach the shower head buttons, only to realize the water had turned off, slightly grumpy he got his towel and reluctantly wrapped it around his waist so it covered his legs and lower regions, he exited the bathroom to his bedroom where he would hear a certain smug voice.

Aliiza: Wow Y/N, is it just me, or are you hot right now?

Y/N: Cold... actually, warm water isn't a luxury I'm use to, so I stick with cold most of the time.

Aliiza: Yeah, I know that, that's why I turned the water off fully, you weirdo...

Y/N: (sighs) What is it? I was trying to think till I was interrupted...

He said not looking pleased at Aliiza, she sighs as she had brought in Some clothes for Y/N as well as a new bandaged for his face which needed replacing.

Aliiza: I'm going to be putting a new bandage on you, about time you had it done.

Y/N: It's fine...leave it be...

Aliiza: No it isn't, it's wet, likely dirty, and might even be infected.

Y/N: Lightsaber wounds can't get--

Aliiza: --Shush! Now, I can do this after you get dressed, or before hand, I think you don't want me to--

Y/N: Just leave me to get changed... then you can do my bandages... I need some alone time to think...

Aliiza: Fine... just call when you're done...

Aliiza said this dumping the clothes on the bed for him to find, Aliiza then left the room and closed the door behind her, she seemed a little fed up, but honestly wanted Y/N to open up a little, Y/N would get dried off and slowly got dressed, the clothing he was wearing was more casual than anything, it was his simple attire for of duty purposes, something he rarely wore, after getting dressed fully he called in Aliiza.

Y/N: Aliiza... I'm done...

Aliiza: (coming into the room) Finally, now are you ready for me to do this?

Y/N: No... but I have no choice do I?

Aliiza: Nope!

Y/N could only sigh as he sits on the end of his bed, Aliiza went over with a smug look and got the new bandage ready, however when she instantly saw That Y/N had a frown still, he wasn't looking well, or pleased with the fact he was in this position, Aliiza sighed as she looked at him

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