Weapons factory

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First Person POV

It had been a day since we had landed on Geonosis, Ahsoka was yet to speak to me about what she'd make me say, I was hoping she'd forget, but it seems like Anakin kept bugging her for ideas on what to say, I think she was either trying to scare me to beg  her to keep it simple, or she didn't have any clue on what to embarrass me with, we had gathered some troops around a hologram as Ahsoka was pointing out the factory we were going to attack.

Ahsoka: This bridge is our first way point. (she points at it) Focus your fire on the gun emplacements here and here, because it's only--

Anakin: (rudely interrupting) Because it's only after we neutralize the guns that we can push for the factory.

Ahsoka: I was-- Yes...

Y/N: Rude much? 

Ahsoka: (clearing her throat) As I was saying, We can push to the factory, expect stiff resistance from--

Anakin: (Again, pushing in front of Ahsoka) --And Don't forget to top of your energy cells and ratio--

Anakin then suddenly fell to the ground as I tripped him up with the force, he fell face first into the ground, I stood back with a while as the clones looked surprised, Ahsoka looked at me as I spoke up.

Y/N: Oh, (Smugly) what are you doing down there sky-rat? Ahsoka's Briefing is up here, not down there.

A few clones laughed at Anakin and my comment, Ahsoka gave me a smile as Anakin started to get up, he glared at me as he did so.

Anakin: (annoyed) So, you think that's funny huh?

Y/N: Yeah, like you find it funny cutting your padawan up, (to ahsoka) continue Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: As I was saying, once we leave, there will be no re-supply, so make sure you value the resources we have, dismissed.

The clones all nodded at us as they began to walk away,  Anakin looked at me annoyed.

Anakin: Play a trick like that again and I swear I'll--

Ahsoka: --You'll what? Interrupt the briefing I was tasked with giving? Don't you think my briefing would go better if you never interrupt me every time I try to--

Anakin: I was interrupting. I was trying to help you.

Y/N: By interrupting her when she's trying to give the brief out? 

Ahsoka: It's like you don't trust me not to screw up the briefing. 

Anakin: It's not about trust, it's about getting the job done right.

Anakin turned to leave but me and Ahsoka saw a flaw in what he just said, Ahsoka began to march up to Anakin.

Ahsoka: Ah, so you don't trust me to get the job done right, I knew it!

Anakin: (sighs) Snips, I never said--

Ahsoka: (cutting him off) No. No, It's okay, I understand, I'm the padawan and you're the master.

She then started to walk off annoyed, I see Anakin roll his eyes at her as we see multiple gunships start to arrive, me and Anakin followed Ahsoka as would rant about how Trust went both ways and they however didn't notice That Jedi Master Unduli and Barris Offee had exited a gunship  and made their towards us.

Anakin: If you would listen to me--

Ahsoka: --Well, if you don't trust me, then maybe you should send me back.

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