Breaking the Line.

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First Person POV Two days later, on the Interceptor.

I was currently training with my specialized Mandalorian blaster, I had managed to dig it out from my old belongings and clean it up to the best of my ability, it still worked and packed a punch still, I was using training drones to use as target practice, Aliiza was currently watching with HK as multiple drone started to move about me, I was using the force to time my dodges as they all prepared to fire single shots, Aliiza tried to distract me with an insult.

Aliiza: Hey boss, I think your gonna get shot!

I immediately dodged a shot coming my way and returned fire, I shot it right at it causing it to fall to the floor, another one started to fire at me as I rolled and shot it as well, I could sense one behind me which HK was controlling and shot it without looking, causing HK to complain.

HK: Stay still Master, I'm trying to humiliate you!

Y/N: Not on my watch!

I then quickly dodged two more as multiple started firing at me, one of them whizzed past my face and almost hit Aliiza, causing her to duck, I then fired at the two as I look towards HK.

Y/N: HK, watch your fire!

HK: Sorry master, but if you stayed still--

HK tired to us a drone to attack me while I wasn't looking, It missed me as I went in HK's direction as it shot at me, I ducked as the bolt went straight into HK causing him to stumble back, I then shot the final drone causing it to crash down into the ground, Aliiza came over to me as she looked at the disabled training drones. 

Aliiza: Damn Y/N, didn't think you had it in you.

Y/N: Proof of my heritage as a Mandalorian fighter, still got it, and the amour, and the knife.

HK was recovering from the stun bolt as it had to reboot it self, least to say HK was unimpressed.

HK: Very funny master, Perhaps I should poison the next meal you inhale...

Y/N: And then I'll give you bad motivators, think you can outlive me with them in your system?

HK: You always pick the worst things for me, master.

Y/N: Like how you do for me? Funny...

I then holster my blaster and pick up the drone and place them back in their case, we all left the training room as Aliiza stretched her arms before looking at me.

Aliiza: So boss, what are we doing today?

 Y/N: (Raising an eyebrow) We?

Aliiza: Yeah, go on any missions? Go out and have fun?

HK: Sith do not simply "go out and have fun" They kill, dismember, torture, fight, enslave species, then dominate the species....  all in that order.

Aliiza: Gee your no fun.

HK: I aim to please.

Y/N: Enough, the pair of you, I just want to have a quiet week of no explosions, no political Bantha crap,  no assassinations and no missions, in about 5 days we go to a world that is planning to ally themselves to the sith, we will be there to "stop them".

Aliiza: By stop them.... you mean take them out right?

Y/N: Yes, we'll demolish their army, their tech, or in our case, steal it, enslave the occupants of the world, or in the republic's eyes, "new management".

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