Recovering and the fallout

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Third Person POV

Y/N was rushed to the Jedi temple, there was no doubt that he was gonna die without treatment, the medical could only do so much as the metal  chunk he removed from himself was possibly infected, it used bacta to heal burns and other wounds he had taken, but the shock from being stabbed and the gas he inhaled didn't help him, the girls were fine due to just needing fresh air to help them, however, not everything between them was fine, Aliiza was currently piloting the ship while Ahsoka was with Y/N holding his hand, his breathing was harsh and horrible, he had to have an oxygen mask on due to the breathing difficulties, Ahsoka couldn't help but get angry at what she saw.

Ahsoka: I can't believe she did that! She just did it like it was nothing, Y/N, you wouldn't have done that, not to me, right?

She looked on as he was still sleeping, it was clear he was in pain, but to what degree she did not know, she felt the ship land, she got up and made the bed float and moved Y/N to the com room, there she was met with HK.

HK: Is master's condition improving?

Ahsoka: No, (looking down) he's stable, but I don't think the pain is doing him any good.

HK: It's likely do to the amount of harm and stress he was going through at the time.

Ahsoka: (looking at HK) He was stressed?

HK: Yes, likely due to what the Copilot said, I heard your argument, and I do not understand the problem--

Ahsoka: (loudly) What she did to him was wrong! What she did to me!

HK: Maybe if you acted with care, she would have understood, but your reaction was... explicit.

Flashback, Ahsoka's POV.

I had just witnessed Aliiza kiss Y/N, on the lips as well, she wasn't even trying to resuscitate him, she was KISSING HIM! I forced pulled her off him and went see to him, I could see his eyes were closing and opening, he was in and out of delirium, I turned to Aliiza who had gotten up and looked stunned at me before becoming mad.

Aliiza: (annoyed) What the hell was that for!?!

Ahsoka: (angrily) What do you think you're doing?!?

Aliiza: Was it not obvious?!?

HK: Quiet! Master condition is worsening, I will not tolerate his neglect! 

Aliiza: (smirking) Maybe if Ahsoka wasn't so jealous we'd be on the ship by now.

HK: I do not care, Copilot, Bring the ship around, Togruta, help me stabilize Master.

I glared at Aliiza before she went back to the ship, HK went over Y/N's vitals and saw they were erratic, I couldn't help but cry a few tears as I saw the state he was in...

Flashback over, Third Person POV

The ship came into the temple hanger, Aliiza had asked for medical to be ready, Obi-wan, Plo-Koon And Anakin, as well as the Jedi healer, Rig Nema watched the ship land, After a minute the ramp opens and Everyone left the ship, the Jedi saw Y/N been transported on a mobile bed in a bloody state, Anakin noticed his breathing was off and was the first to inquire to the group.

Anakin: What happened to him?!?

HK went past with Y/N not wanting to speak, Rig Nema began to assist HK and brought him away from the group, Obi wan looked concerned at Ahsoka.

Obi-wan: Ahsoka, mind answering your master's question?

Ahsoka: Oh, right, (Shaking her head) sorry, we uhh, we didn't know what was going to happen, someone set traps for us, almost killed me, Aliiza and.. you saw Y/N.

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