Going to Naboo

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First Person POV

I was currently on my ship cleaning my amour, it was a little annoying since some scratches can be seen, not that I can make it go with some extra paint, but an annoyance non the less, Aliiza was currently training with her blaster on stun, she was using a training probe of some type to count her score, she was doing well for a beginner, yet the training probe war programmed to be at a beginner level, considering I only completed the basics about using a blaster, she was struggling to keep her cool and get frustrated.

Aliiza: Uh, I can't keep up with it, and my aim keeps going off, like the blaster is mocking me!

Y/N: You just need to have a clear head, it's not gonna be easy, but when you can get past the 3rd beginner level I can actually take you on missions where you can be involved much more.

Aliiza: I know, it just I can't seem to aim right, like I think I'm as bad as my father.

Y/N: Your father? You never seem to mention him.

Aliiza: (lowering her blaster to look at me)  That's because he left me when I was ten, that was almost eight years ago, on my birthday.

'Ouch.... talk about a piece of shit...'

Y/N: Oh.... I'm sorry Aliiza, he shouldn't of done that to you.

I said trying to comfort her, whatever my words would mean to her, she looked back at the blaster and raised it again ready to begin firing again.

Aliiza: What worst his how my mother reacted, she was became depressed when he went , said it was for the best, I beg to differ.

Y/N: Why did he leave? He must have had some horrible excuse.

Aliiza: She said he worked for the Pikes, did spice and all that, only heard from him on my 15th saying that he was having the time of his life, he did say he missed me, but never spoke again afterwards.

Y/N: That sucks Aliiza, I lost both my parents when I was a boy, its better to treasure your time with them as long as possible, I only remember them on my 5th birthday gifting me a toy figure of some kind, I don't remember what it was, but I'm sure it was fun to have.

Aliiza: Aw, I'm sorry Y/N, you're right, I just, I don't remember my self what he was like, only that he was never there.

Y/N: I had to move on from my parents when the sith found me, but you don't, is you mother still alive?

Aliiza: Yes, but I'm not sure if she would want to see me, I kind of left one day without telling her, I didn't want to get married and stay a house wife on Ryloth, I wanted to explore the world and have amazing stories to tell when I come back.

Y/N: Well you're with the most famous sith lord now, I'm sure you will have plenty to speak of when you return.

Aliiza: Yeah, I hope it soon, or on my birthday, Thanks for the speech Y/N.

Y/N: No problem.

Just then, I hear my com link go off.

Y/N: Continue your training Aliiza, I need to take this

I go out of the armory and answer the call.

Y/N: Y/N here.

Ahsoka: Hey Y/N, was going to ask if you had a spare day or so?

Y/N: I do, what do you need me for?

Ahsoka: I have a spare weekend off, I was wondering if you wanted to visit Naboo?

Y/N: Do you have a mode of transport? Aliiza is using the training room, wouldn't want her to get interrupted.

Ahsoka: I have a ride there already, private hire, they gonna take us later today if your up for coming?

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