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First Person POV.

I woke up to the sound of my com link blinking on and off, I began to groan from the sound as I felt a little hand on my chest, I looked to my right to see Ahsoka holding me close to her as she was lightly snoring, I brushed my right hand over her forehead as she smiled a little, My attention was brought back to the com link however as it began to blink faster meaning it was important, I start to yawn as I answered the call with the link restricted to voice only.

Y/N: (yawning) Y/N here...

Obi-wan: Y/N, we are arriving soon, have you ship prepared, the council are already waiting, and sorry to say this, but the chancellor has been informed of Krell's demise.

With almost an immediate effect of the news hitting me, I sat up and turned to the com link alarmed by the fact the senate now knew Krell was dead.

Y/N: What?! How? By who?

Obi-wan: The rest of the council agreed on a vote, I promise you I tried against it, but the other masters thought it would be difficult to keep it from the senate's eyes.

Y/N: 'Damn it' (sighs) I'll get ready for the shit show.. Don't worry, I won't try anything.

Obi-wan: Good, and might I ask why Ahsoka  is on your ship? 

Y/N: (lying) Uh, She's in a spare room I think, why? 

I said hoping he'd buy it, playing dumb was not one's specialty, but it seemed he bought it.

Obi-wan: Barris said she didn't go to her room, just wanted to ask, that's all...

I end the transmission as I look to my side of the bed, Ahsoka was still sleeping soundly when I forced myself to wake her up by shaking her shoulder. She began to stir as I spoke up.

Y/N: (Softly) Ahsoka, you need to wake up.

Ahsoka: (groggily) Huh-h? 

Y/N: We're close to Coruscant, we need to get ready...

Ahsoka sat up wiping her eyes, she looked about and remembered she was in my room she looked down at her covered as she spoke.

Ahsoka: Oh, Uhm, forgot I was here....

She awkwardly laughs as she stood up slowly on her side of the bed, I got up as well and looked at my amour, I sighed as I knew I wouldn't be bothered to do it.

Y/N: I think I'll task Aliiza or HK with cleaning my amour, I can't really be bothered to do it right now...

Ahsoka: (rolling her eyes) That just sounds like pure laziness...

Y/N: Nothing wrong with having others do something for you...even if it's a horrible job to do...

She came up to me as I stood taller than her, she noticed this and sulked.

Ahsoka: Why do you have to be so tall?

Y/N: Genetics and training, oh, (smirks) and food intake as well.

Ahsoka: You have it good then, I'm probably not gonna grow as tall...

She said a little down as she sulked a little more, I steeped back a little as I looked at her legs then back to her face and shook my head.

Y/N: I doubt it, You're still young, likely have another 4 more years since you're a togruta, they tend to grow for a long time.

Ahsoka: Aw really? You think I'll be as tall as you?

A Sith's Reawakening-- Male Sith Reader Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now